
RPG for Developers. DevLife?

Project Type
Open source idea

RPG for Developers. DevLife?

Something similar to Habitica but purely for devs. User/player will - battle demons (bugs), - face the dark lords (clients), - β€Žlearn various skills (languages, frameworks, libraries, tools, methods, principles), - wear armours and gears (hardwares, gadgets) - β€Žown titles (dfox : Creator of devrant, CurseMeSlowly : The Noob, Master of None) Well you get the idea. Gonna stick to every aspects of an RPG but about developers and programming. We can integrate it with other services too. Eg: the number of commits or push to GitHub can earn points. The main goal of the project is to make a developer life more fun and learning and developing more enjoyable. I have a very limited language skills (PHP web dev) and limited time resource. So if I were to do this, there is a high chance of ending up with a crap result. I can be the coordinator and promise to help with any tasks I can do. So who is interested to create it?
Tech Stack
  • 15
    calmyourtities : soothing boobs before you can say "hakuna your tatas"

    I'd recommend java for a cross platform desktop game.

    if i were you i would make everything change names, so nothing would be the same.

    "python" -> "cobra"
    "java" -> "mocha"
    "javascript" -> "mochascript"
    (now you can have people confusing mocha and mochascript)

    if you need some inspiration look at game dev story
  • 4
    @calmyourtities changing names can be fun but it might not be very helpful with learning πŸ€”

    And thank for mentioning dev story. I wanted to give it as reference together with habitica but I couldn't remember it while posted.
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    @CurseMeSlowly what do you mean by learning?

    and tbh, I didn't know about habiticaπŸ˜…
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    @calmyourtities although I want a RPG theme, I want a self-development kind of aspect as well. So in DevLife (lazy naming sense, but let's use it for now) a web dev player quest can be to develop a website. And that website quest requirements has vuejs skill necessary. Then player must learn Vue first before taking that quest. 😁

    Habitica is about self development. So there are things like, hey I jog today and earned 10 points.
  • 15
    "Hey guys I have a cool idea and I need you to make it"
  • 4
    @CurseMeSlowly you can also use a tavern system as groups of like minded people coming together
    A study buddy kind of situation, they can work on the same language/framework. This can help keep everyone motivated enough, a lone person can lose focus and stop working. A group can push the people along.
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    @byte yes exactly, group quest 😁
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    @BitFlipped well I'm just sharing this idea I got after commenting on devrant rant. Not asking anyone to MAKE IT for me. If my description sounded that way, pardon me.

    I have more than enough experiences with ignorant clients, so I definitely don't want to become one myself.
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    @CurseMeSlowly I see you've actually made a collab for it 😁 I'd like to help every now and then but my skillset is pretty much limited to perl / js
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    @Bl00D4NGEL if no one on board, I'm gonna do text version with php and js 😬 and may I buzz you when I do? 😁
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    @CurseMeSlowly sure! 😁 might as well learn a bit of php along the way
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    @sambid thank you. Don't worry about the limited skills, it is gonna be a collaboration so any form of help will be very useful πŸ™ƒ
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    // i want to follow this
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    @CurseMeSlowly share the repo here so others can pitch in
    I have some pending projects, but after that I'll love to join
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    @calmyourtities @sambid ahh nice. Or the hidden mode unlocked by solving some complex shit 🀣
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    I think we can use unity3D and a little of c# scripting to get the game running
    But about quests and asking the player to build a website/application inside the game is something I've never heard of

    It sounds great though!
  • 6
    @Bromine its not a game per say, it's just gamifying the normal lives of devs
    Checkout "habitica", a gamified habit builder
  • 4
    Saw that now!
  • 2
  • 2
    Sounds really niceπŸ‘Œ I would love to help😊
  • 1
    @Priestoflol yayy thank you for your interest. I am gonna plan and organize things in December. Mainly requirements 😬 gonna start this in Jan. Woo hoo. By any means. Then collaborators can decide the tools and languages etc πŸ˜„
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    @CurseMeSlowly Some levels should programmed by other players as quest😊 And you program your house😍 so much possibilities
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    @Priestoflol love the idea of program quests by orher players
    That way everyone can learn together and earn experience solving programming problems
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    @Priestoflol @byte yeah I have this idea of quest created by players for other players. 😬

    And also have the idea to have game master as a separate class. I don't want the creators to be the only one who can shape the storyline/game plots. I want it open to public.

    All kinds of somewhat funny, somewhat crazy, somewhat nonsense ideas for this project hahaha that's why I gotta give it real good time to organize all those 😬
  • 2
    Bit of a slowpoke, but sounds really awesome! I'd gladly help as far as my knowledge goes in the languages used haha
    Just adding a suggestion - might be nice to track your progress in some sort of dashboard.. Can defo help with that 😁
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    @sslPoodle yes first ever one. So I'm sure we all can help each other and I need like all kind of help as much as I can 😁
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    I'm in!

    I think first you need to specify the style, but mostly I guess it will be 2D. Thereafter, we can use libGDX to make it cross-platform. Or Unity, idk, let me know.
  • 7
    So after 28ds, I have finally come up with the proper approach for this collab.

    I have the basic storyline or plot or whatever we call that. It is just an A4 sheet though. Not super details and everything. It is more like the foundation. But it covers all the basics like map, characters, foes etc.

    And I am gonna develop this into a text based multi player online role playing game/app because that's what I am most experienced with. And I don't know how yet, but I am gonna make every part of this whole thing integrateable and extendable by any dev.

    I will create a github account for this and share with you all at this weekends.

    Woohooo. 2018 gonna be fucking busy.
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    @CurseMeSlowly repo...???
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    @zubin10 this is exactly why I shouldn't do a collab 😫 lazy and slacking around to do something or to start something. I still haven't created the repo yet. πŸ˜₯
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    @CurseMeSlowly create one and we'll do it together.
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    38d later



    Are you guys still interested?
    I have started ... well at least I got a repo now heeheee
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    @zubin10 your comments made me this far and thank you very much for this :D
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    @CurseMeSlowly its not mr bro!!!
    idea was yours,you initiated it duh...
    lets decide stack.
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    @CurseMeSlowly of course! I can help with php, js, ts, even asp
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    @CurseMeSlowly it's better late than never

    I'm intrested, start a gitter to get the talks for the stack and development started
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    @CurseMeSlowly Server-Side language? DB? Client-Side?
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    @CurseMeSlowly πŸ‘
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    @CurseMeSlowly yes I'm still in! Not sure if I'm useful in the eventual languages used, but we'll see :)
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    Ok guys, last time I mass-tagged 😬 Won't annoy you guys in future. I have set up a gh-pages so any interested person can easily keep track of the progress of this collab. https://cursemeslowly.github.io/dev...

    But while I got your attention, it will be a great help if any of you can brainstorm together with me on database structure. https://github.com/cursemeslowly/...

    πŸ™‡ πŸ™‡ πŸ™‡
  • 2
    @CurseMeSlowly Great stuff! I'll look into this this evening hopefully :)
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    @CurseMeSlowly I saw your issues, leta start building
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    Hey I'll look into it today! Once you got some people that are definitely gonna help, you could setup a Slack channel for discussions etc
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    @CurseMeSlowly keep up the mass tagging
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    @NEMESISprj well yep. I am fine with slack. But I'll try to keep every decisions and updates through wikis and gh-pages as well.

    (already have riot and discord though 😬 I'm everywhere haha)
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    @CurseMeSlowly when I get off of work, I'll give it a go ;)
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    Following the repo. I don't have any experience in Vue and Laravel, but I'll see what I can contribute to otherwise along the way like discussions etc!
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    Just stumbled upon this, sounds pretty cool! I don't have much php experience (looking at the tech stack in github ), but I can do some TS /JS or learn php ;). Or help with some c# somewhere if that comes up
  • 2
    Sorry I've been busy lately.
    Saw the repo and the page now, it sounds wonderful!

    I'm still wondering how is the database been organised?
    Are you using nosql db?
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