
Here skiddie skiddie... a collection of obviously fake "hacking tools" that bait skids into doxing themselves.

Project Type
Open source idea

Here skiddie skiddie... a collection of obviously fake "hacking tools" that bait skids into doxing themselves.

Rant: I have been strongly considering writing a small fb app named something along the lines of "Hack your fb friends - for realz". Then add basic oauth (You have to login to pick the friend to hack duh), retrieve their friends list and then publicly post to their own timeline and the friends they chose humorously stating they attempted to hack the persons account "for realz". You know just enough to alert people that the "hacker" is a idiot with bad intentions but with just humour enough to fall under "satire" so fb doesn't remove it. Background Story: You get script kiddies and then you get real fucking skids (or better yet shkids - shitty kids). We've all come across them at some point, you know the ignorant little fucks who can haz h4x0r gf fb plz? All because the lazy malicious little cunt who has zero interest in coding thinks invasion of privacy and shit will make him look cool. I came across 2 in one hour yesterday and lost my shit. The one little fuck actually had the nerve to ask how to learn to program without learning - that's like trying to hacking hacking... without code 😲 The funniest and most karma balancing thing about them is that their laziness and sheer desperation to look cool makes them easier than an old lady to hack. They will literally disable their anti virus and firewall and run anything you give them cos ya know - nothing quite gets the attention of a cute girl like a little cyber stalking 😉 It's fun to give them infinite running batch scripts that say something like "decrypting whatsapp messages...." every now and then and i was considering if today was one of those days when I realised I was missing half the fun.... Since they want to hack a friend they would probably be dumb enough to actually login to their own account and select that friend. 10 bucks says that any fucker that humiliates himself like this will think twice about his actions or at the very least attempt to learn to program before he tries "hacking" again.
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    Oh FYI: unlike my other 2 collabs this is just and idea with no proof of concept, literally posted here in the hope that a bored ranter looking for something to code will pick it up. It's also a perfect starter app for anyone interested in oauth and wants to try their hand at a simple fb integration.
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    @IllSlapU that's cool it's all up to your own personal preference but I must admit I find the idea tricking someone into exposing their attempt to invade someone's privacy on Facebook of all platforms seriously amusing.
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    And make it cmd line (coz those 🤬 use Win, obviously), so they think they are real H4cK0r$
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    @RedBorg I say make it for everything lol. They might even try more than one 😂 ideal would be to actually put it on fb since they are dumb enough to search for how to hack fb on Facebook's own fucking search 🤦‍♂️
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    Great rant, brilliant idea!
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    Just rename the memz virys and share it with them via dropbox or email.
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    I think I'll try to code it with a quick python script to learn how to use oauth
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    Make a line of youtube videos that totally look like legit how to videos using the terminal! Perfection!
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    This sounds like some 4Chan level shit. I'm in!
    (sidenote: I've actually built something similar to this, which actually logs into the user's account and tells the 'friend' he was trying to hack that he tried to hack him)
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    @monkehparade isn't that exactly what this collab is about and you could just open source it basically?
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    @JoshBent I'll put it on github soon! It's based on Electron though, so it's not entirely ideal.
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    Maybe after they realised, that this doesn't work and they're just SKIDDIES, help them to learn real hacking/programming with some nice little tutorials or websites.
    Honestly, once I was a little skiddie too. Just ran some scripts from Kali Linux and thought that I was a real hacker... But I never did real hacking, because I can't write Python. :(
    Until this day I can't really find some good tutorials or websites, where I can learn good cybersecurity/hacking. 🤔
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    .. so I actually start working on this (scrapped my earlier project and used bits and pieces of code from it). Will keep you guys updated. Trying to make it look as "authentic" as possible (by authentic, I mean giving it more of a warez feel to it). Would love your opinions.
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    @monkehparade github?
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    @CozyPlanes I'll finish as much as I can up and put it up on github ( do note that I just did this in just an hour, so it's going to be messy ).
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    @kurtr @CozyPlanes @JoshBent @-vim- @RantSomeWhere @SoulSkrix

    Here you go. It's currently not completed. Too sleep deprived to continue. I'll come back later and finish it.

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    @monkehparade Very nice! Thank you for bringing my idea to fruition! I love the metasploit feel :-)

    Now to make a few fake test accounts...
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    @kurtr If you do create fake accounts, please share. I've been testing them with my own personal account.
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    .. Anybody want to collab and help me finish it?
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    @monkehparade I would love to but my next free day is literally the 22nd of July (Day after we release my current project)
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    @kurtr What about now? :?
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    @MonkeyParade should be free in a week or 2 once I'm on leave, things at work are going ape while the company gets ready to close for the holidays.
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    @kurtr What about now? :3
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