
To celebrate Quantum release, let's share your must have add-ons for your browser(s).

Mine :
- bitwarden,
- ublock origin,
- jsonovich,
- feedbro
- rested
- error indicator
That's all.

Screenshot and pocket are already included with Firefox and work great. Chrome needs extensions for those though. I used to have disconnect and ghostry in past.

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    I have:

    Ublock origin
    Cookie AutoDelete

    Also disabled WebRTC, no IP leak for me.

    I'm quite a security nut.
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    @BambuSource what does it do bro?
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    @mrlinnth "inject" js to websites. So called userscripts
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    Things not yet mentioned that I use:

    Tab suspender (I wish The Great Suspender was on FF)
    Privacy Badger
    HTTPS Everywhere
    No coin

    @Kryptic0 is ghostery on Firefox? I couldn't find it. Using privacy badger right now.

    Also, Stylish was bought out a while back now and has relations to data tracking (I've made a rant about it before). Use the Stylus fork instead.
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    @irene ublock isn't as good at blocking trackers and i guess ease of mind, extra layer.
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    @TheCapeGreek oh never knew that about stylish ill look into it thanks and ghostery been on firefox for ages, at least 2 years.
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    @TheCapeGreek Ghostery is really shit. It has ben bought by the German Cliqz GmbH., a company of the Hubert Burda Media Group. It is a German media company, with lots of online magazines like FocusOnline.
    A German youtuber once tested the Cliqz browser on FocusOnline and most of the trackers have not been blocked.
    I think the same will happen / happens with Ghostery.
    If you want privacy, Open Source is the way to go.
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    @Scrumplex I wanted to mention that in my post but couldn't remember details so didn't want to pull info out of the air. Personally I'm happy with Privacy Badger for now. Thanks for the info!
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    - BetterTwitchTV
    - UBlockOrigin
    - AdBlockPlus
    Are the three I can think of off the top of my head.
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    @Scrumplex its really not shit been using it for years and has done its job perfectly maybe you didn't choose to block all ads because by default, it doesn't but you can make it, and that's what i have done.
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    In Firefox i use Adblock plus. Idk if it is good but it blocks ads. In chrome I use SoundCloud repost toggle.
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    @TheCapeGreek @Kryptic0 @Scrumplex

    I was a happy ghostery, disconnect and adblock user before 2016. The primary reason I used them was for faster page loading time rather than privacy.

    Lately there were all kinds of news and rumours and frankly I don't even know what to believe anymore. So I have stopped using them all and just using ublock.

    I gave up my privacy when smart phones are out and I accepted that I cannot run at least from google on this earth.
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    @mrlinnth i do wish they was open source just for that peace of mind but for me it does its job so unless there is open source version as good im gnna have to stick to em.
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    Does nobody here use the noScript-Addon?! And if this is true, why? O.o
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    @irene I kinda do. I use ghostery and ublock. They have a different focus.
    Same as Mbam and let's say Kaspersky. Only ever use one real time scanner though. Mbam for clearing crapware and a regular antivirus for real time condom mode to keep the nasty buggers out.
    This is my normal approach with home users.
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    @DarkCookie243 it's silly. Why don't you. Block all executables on your computer? That way you are sure you are safe from malware. Why don't you disconnect your phone and internet. It will significantly improve your privacy...
    We actually had a customer complaining that the website was not working correctly. He messed up his browser with all kinds of plugins including no-script. I took the time to explain things to him including that we are not responsible for creating a site that works on deliberately feature striped browsers. He like most people I find using these kind of add-ons have so many misconceptions it's sad.
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    I did until I got quantum
    it is not compatible unfortunately
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    @DarkCookie243 i tried too but it was too much hassle allow and disallowing every page you go on, really awesome addon though.
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    Json Lite
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    @mrlinnth I agree that being completely untracked these days is almost impossible without living in the woods with no internet. But also relying entirely on Google isn't the way to go. I prefer to limit tracking as much as possible. ProtonMail, Firefox, the extensions mentioned here, etc.
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    @notarealDev Oh no, what a pitty...
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    @hjk101 It s just silly, if you are silly. I m not one of these Layer8-Problems and I think I know how to use it.

    And yes, disconnecting my phone and laptop from the internet is maybe a good idea, but then you don t have internet (I know - captain obvious), but if I want to use the Internet or just work with it eg using it just to solve problems on stackoverflow, and i want good privacy, then no script is imo a very good addon!
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    @DarkCookie243 I know there are good uses for it; have used it myself from time to time but it is not one of the more important add-ons and if you keep it on all the time it breaks more than it fixes. How does it improve your privacy for example?
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    @hjk101 Ok, Yeah maybe there are more important one, but for me it s a very usefull addon.

    Eg It blocks for me google analytics script😉
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    @DarkCookie243 that is what ghostery etc is for. Without disabling a whole part of your browser...
    Bringing a nuke to a gun fight 💥
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    It was just a example. If there is a script not on the blacklist of uBlock eg the coin hive script when it was new I also don t want that script but uBlock or other Blocker don t block it. Maybe it s a nuke but sometimes it s not important if some websites are ugly, etc, because the most important (stackoverflow, etc) run also without scripts. So this is for work for me (!) the ideal setup ;)
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    @irene oh really? I didn t know that. Thx^^
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    @speedForce try bitwarden. You won't regret.
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    I have react dev tools.

    And I think quantum is using much more battery than chrome. Don’t you think?
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    @Artemix net who? Sorry, I’m not familiar with that. Yesterday I started using it and Mac has gone all fans and it showed that the Firefox browser is using up more power.
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    @iamkrid test without any add-ons so you can be sure quantum is eating the power. I am not sure since mine is desktop.
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    @mrlinnth I just have one add on. And that’s react dev tools. Do you think that’s causing the trouble?
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    @iamkrid ah I don't think so. Maybe Mac and quantum issue? So far I haven't heard anyone mentioning about power issue yet.
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    @mrlinnth yeah let’s see who all has that issue.
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    im just comenting to get back to it later. someone ++ this please
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    Commenting for later
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    Just four:

    - uBlock Origin (regular adblocker/element hider/basic tracking protection)
    - uMatrix (granular privacy controls: lets me customize what resources I allow on a per-site basis, spoof user agents, control cookies, etc)
    - HTTPS Everywhere
    - Stylus (for injecting custom css onto sites)
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    @Kryptic0 Ghostery's business model is selling data though. I'm using Privacy Badger myself. Next to that I use a self destructing cookies add-on.
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    sponsorblock to block youtube in video sponsors
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