I wonder how many young devs are on devRant. I know the original was @linuxer4fun, then there was me, then a few more. I've been on this community a year, and it's pretty good (and has improved a lot for everyone who's new here). if you're 13, 14, 15, or 16, leave a comment below :) plus maybe you're preferred languages and dev achievements

  • 3
    15yo, started when I was 12-13

    I've started from Minecraft, I managed some servers and I wanted to make some custom plugins, in the meantime I was working on a website.
    So I've learned how to use WordPress, and that's why I love Java, use PHP a lot for the web and hate WordPress
  • 9
    Jesus, I didn’t realise there were children on here, perhaps I would have refrained from using all the ‘Fucks’, ‘Cunts’, ‘Wankers’ and so on.
  • 3
    @helloworld please don't refrain xD

    I'm 17 and I am rebel. (HTML+CSS+JS and Py and Java)
  • 3
    @helloworld Pffft. Some of them use strong language heavily too. I was walking through a store and saw what looked like an 8 or 9 year old cussing every 4 words or so.
  • 2
    I'm 15.
    I started at 11 with Processing at the coderdojo in my city, and now I'm a mentor there
  • 1
    @helloworld don't worry, we could do worse.
    Anyway I don't consider myself a child.
  • 2
    I've forgot to add my achievements, here are some:
    Sell my first software.
    Sell a lot of my softwares.
    Built a social network and built a self-managed Minecraft Network.
  • 4
    I'm 17 and I learned C last year while this year I'm trying to get into Java, helped by one friend.
    But overall I only make enormous mistake while I'm coding
  • 1
    I'm 16
  • 2
    Im 15 and Python and some bash, those are my languages, a bit of HTML, CSS and Javascript as well.
    I also use Linux and like playing around with it.
  • 0
    14, bit embarrassed to say it but I also started on minecraft... Wouldn't really call myself a dev tho, I'm not that good at it and it's more of a hobby when I'm bored
  • 0
    I'm 15. Started by some guy showing me html, seemed pretty easy, moved to javascript then c++ and java. I stopped using js and html but am heavily focusing on c++ and java.
  • 1
    @same76 saaam where did the scanner object go?
  • 1
    I'm 17, but I was 16 up until may. I started when I was 13, with Visual Basic and HTML. I got into C and Assembly 8086 at school, developed some Js and CSS knowledge along the way and learned C# for arduino. Now I have been doing just Java for about a year, it's my favourite language yet, I just can't get enough of it!
  • 1
    @MotAtlas I don't know, probably it's in the MUNICIPIO3'S offices!
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