I'm reluctantly in charge of my company... for now. Trying to avoid any of those fancy, personally cringe-worthy, titles like owner, boss, acronyms starting with a C.

My solution, suits our unique branding, is having my role as:

Any arguments as to it actually being a position are quickly thwarted, as it's obviously a class.

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    @jestdotty which part? None of it is a secret lol
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    @jestdotty i don't get the purpose for the pic... either why you added it or why anyone found that a necessary or useful thing to waste a few min making.

    Idk why my transparency makes you uncomfortable... unless it's some version of personal insecurity or otherwise overly guarded self-image making you repress things you have the urge to state... therefore viewing my natural, uninhibited state as a taunt at your, perceived as troublesome/unwelcomed/loathed, constant inhibition?

    Still not sure what "useful" whatever you are aiming for, as you've been beyond vague.
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    @jestdotty ok then...

    To your point of consequences:

    Though you'll probably view this as some personal glorification...

    I process things uncomfortably fast. The best way I can describe my thought process is like the images of the tree of life. If one input... of anything not previously, directly, dissected from the same context in this manner... equals a seed, then every sprouted branch or root is a train of thought. Each one only stops when there's a solid conclusion... most often that's been recursively analysed.

    If there's any 'known unknown's then i either look it up or it sticks around like a background process til its sated.

    This is nearly 24/7(including in my sleep) with every query, typically with no regard to it being currently applicable, whether I give a shit about the answer or not. The process starts way before I consciously realise it and trying to ignore/stop/repress it has been verified as a waste of time/resources & unimpactful.

    BOOLs & major outlier %s only
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    Basically, it's not that I haven't considered negative implications. It's that I've considered so many, so indepth, ad nauseum(sometimes literally), and negated or solved for all of them in advance. Statistically speaking, even I shouldn't have been able to fathom everything... but those, yet to be fathomed, potentials would be near statistically impossible if I didn't sort through the typical redundant minutiae in the first place.

    It's kinda like my views on network security... yea im super capable and not disrespectful enough to anyone relying on me in whatever way to just give access info then write an algorithm to sort through the lack of creativity and/or talent. But, those mundane people/methods wouldn't be intriguing in the first place.

    Most genuinely adept people in any field, don't actually "want" the answers, they want to figure out/find them. Spiteful immaturity and/or artificial temporary power trips don't build advanced skills and wise logic.
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    @jestdotty associative memory, at least in data architecture, is something I'm so familiar with we'd quickly get to the need for an NDA.

    I'm not sure if there is a major difference in human memory rel to the term. I assume if/when i look it up it'll basically be references some, likely early childhood, memories that are typically dysfunctional/fragmented but retrievable from stimuli like smell or a specific sound/phrase/image/whatever.

    I definitely think in the ways of both what I assume is the human version and the data infrastructure... though more familiar with the latter. A solid example of this is my language processing. Since at least 1st grade, I've been simultaneously dyslexic and adept with vocabulary, likely beyond my teachers even then...certainly b4 3rd grade. There's clear examples (many sent home or conveyed at parent/teacher meets) of me using etymology to achieve this (ie. Calling asshole kids "bipedal pedestrians").

    Basically, I'm an algorithmic DB architecture.
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    Dragon Overlord huh?
    Reminds me of a real "official" title that a person held in one of the places I was at: Dragon Slayer.
    Yes, you heard me right xD
    (Technical direct translation would be "One Who Slays Dragons" -> OWSD, but Dragon slayer would be more accurate)
    It was based on the principle that none of us were supposed to know what the OWSD was actually doing, so "management" came up with Dragon Slayer,
    And each time she achieved something in what she was doing, the meme was that she created a story about a dragon she has slain(e.g. what colour, length, appearance, how hard the fight was, etc')
    I remember that fondly.
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    @jestdotty so in your mind everyone who wants to solve a crossword puzzle by themselves is ego maniacal?

    Just a shot in the dark at what/where your mind may have gone... im not referencing things like curing a disease, solving heinous crimes or some banal work-based situation.

    The part u didn't understand is essentially just what i kinda want to do...build a big system that's enticing to gain access to, leave some not too obvious crumbs equalling creds, then write a tracking algo thatd weed out any basic methodology 'hackers' and look for some interesting ones to play with. It's inherently unlikely that anyone worthwhile would pop up the easier the entry was. Most legitimate hackers (in my experience at least) tend to be of a similar mindset to mountain climbers; they want to conquer the next, bigger/harder, obstacle. That said, many didn't start that way. Minor exploits, immature revenge tactics, showing off, excites most, at first. Boring if you already know you can do *whatever*.
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    @SoldierOfCode I have no desire to create an arc from it... but hey, thats why there's wiki fandom... maybe if I just give answers that are so simple and straightforward that people make up context by reading between the lines... where nothing actually exists, it'll be a major benefit. Tbh im kinda counting on it.

    People append tons to most of what i say/do. It's highly inaccurate but over the years ive found it entertaining(at least when its not some personal relationship and someone's projecting emotional junk i dont get, that sucks)

    I realised people look for indepth meaning in almost everything, especially when none exists. I learned this is due to an old hs art teacher. He stole some doodle i made on the back of a math handout and matted it; he said it was so he could borrow it later. I copied it and gave him original. After hs a few of the times i was around, i saw/heard it examined-- even some intense arguements as to my intended msg.
    Im surprised he's kept a straight face.
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    @SoldierOfCode you also missed the spelling... "DragonOverlord"
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    @awesomeest arc? wiki fandoms??
    I'm lost .-.
    "people make up context by reading between the lines", "People append tons to what I say/do"
    I literally neither appended nor inferred any context from what you said. I haven't even said anything about what you said, just told a story I got reminded of because you said your title is "DragonOverlord" which reminded me of a person who had a "Dragon Slayer" title, so I don't get where you saw me find any in depth meaning in anything you said.

    Also on another note, what's the difference between "DragonOverlord" and "Dragon Overlord"?
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    @SoldierOfCode i wasnt accusing you of adding meaning to what i said.

    You mentioned the person/title that this post reminded you of and the subsequent ways it gave way to other (imo arc-like) additions making it more than an isolated incident.

    The difference between the spelling(space/no space) is because DragonOverlord in code(at least very often in js or even python), implies a class.... meaning it'd literally be an established class(role/position/designation)...

    So part of why it's akin to an amusing pun, and imo great retort for anyone claiming its invalid, is because, in the exact format... its clearly a class...
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    @awesomeest Huh, I think the class implication was a bit too neuanced for me xD

    I'd never think of that if you didn't say it
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    @SoldierOfCode lol.. i like respect your lack of illogical defensiveness and ability to percieve a levelvof nuisance 'for you'.

    But check the OP... its explicit not implied. (Fyi i respect very few people ever.. furthest i tend to go is " appreciate X")
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    @jestdotty nope im thinking of the networks of peers/associates (used loosely) ive encountered on the unindexed parts of the web (youd likely be surprised at how many are actually corporate)... mainly the paranoid introverts monitoring whoever they have interest in, keeping tabs on others with similar skills and turning the shitty security servers of world into nodes and planting beacon-like scripts so they can have control if they ever want/need it. Its an interesting world that's super paranoid yet inciting arguements and wars typically to make a valid (by those standards) reason to prove (normally mainly to themselves) that they know more, stopping tbe argument as if killing their hardware was actually relevant to whatever.

    Its kinda like trial by gladiator fights, the non slave ones... or any version of dropping a glove/gauntlet publicly.

    Essentially 'youre wrong/ a pompous bitch with nothing to back it up... fight me or everyone here sees im right '... i never had that urge
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    @jestdotty the bots have many types uses...vo jave some of my own active. Majority just pull up emails to to spam/sell or are Google search indexing... then close after that they do basic security probes and report... send back for essentially pen testjng or a better sense of the worth to manually do this.. etc.the basic spider bots arent hacking shit
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    @awesomeest I uhh, I'm not sure if you misread my message, or mistyped yours but I wrote nuanced, not nuisance.
    As in, the class thingy was too clever/too complex for me to figure out by myself.
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    @SoldierOfCode mine was a typo. Ty, didn't catch it. You're certainly not a nuisance

    For your last line... thats exactky what i referring to in regards to it being respect worthy imo
  • 1
    @SoldierOfCode lol... actually we both typoed... your nuanced had a "neu" spelling (sry german pun... neu =new)
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