Am i just nuts or is server config at 3am with sushi awesome for people that arent me?

This app also sucks with pics... any tips on that?

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    i mean idk man id rather eat my sushi rewatching how i met ur mother or the big bang theory or something like that
  • 2
    That app makes it like someone escaped from Minecraft
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    @sleek idk you... but youve made a poor first impression. Watch something more valid.
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    @gitpush quesrions...
    1. What are you on?
    2. Where can I get some?
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    Soosh go hard
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    @awesomeest the least you can do is recommend something :/
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    This just in-guidelines and practices on what you must do while eating raw tunafish
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    @sleek ok. I recommend:
    - gaining a sudden interest in scientific research of dormant psilocybe cubensis

    - purchasing materials for enriching your knowledge in this new field of passionate interest.

    - trying to understand the new research subject via method actor techniques... ex: studying them in a warm, very humid area that has plenty of manure and rye, but lacks other contaminants.

    - leaving your new research space for a couple weeks... without being too ridged on lab procedures... remember, method acting.

    - revisiting after your vacation as soon as you have the craving for something like mushroom risotto

    - being resourceful instead of killing the planet, avoid the plastic packaging of Big Mushroom.

    - enjoy your risotto, or whatever dish you craved... which happened to require mushrooms.

    *if you have any linux-related work, this would be the time to do it.
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    @sleek ooo... did you mean like tv shows?

    If so...
    Anime: Angel Beats, Hunter X Hunter, Steins;Gate or Future Diary

    Shows exhibiting hope for the future of society: Old Enough ...(I'll try to find more... there's gotta be more right?)

    Reassurance that youre not actually the worst: Snowflake Mountain, Steve Wilkos, basically anything under 'reality TV'

    To feel smart: the Circle, Play-Doh Squished, most procedurals

    Decent stuff that normies also like on some level(so, societal convenience without brain-melting): newer MacGyver, Lucifer, Handmaid's Tale

    Things to put on when you're procrastinating by watching tv: Tiny Shoulders: Rethinking Barbie, LIzzo's watch out for the big grrrrls, Street Fighter (1994 live action)

    Lmk if u need more or any specific category preferences... also idk what streaming subs you have or your views on pirating the things you dont have access to
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    @sleek btw, that category i listed last... it really tends to work for me... great motivator to do anything else but watch tv... like really, ANYTHING else.
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    @awesomeest Love the list (both the series and the hobbies one)

    actually im going through a interest in psychology phase and am going through i pile of books i bought.

    next pursuit will be to get some kind of LLM working offline to therapize me
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    @sleek im severely emotionally inept. I apparently dont have most of the ego (freud) based ones. Before covid i had read all recent (past few years) collegiate psych textbooks, in most languages that im fluent in. I skipped any that were written by the prof. ofc.

    Basically, anything about psych thats in textbooks, im an expert on... the irl feelings/illogical actions, i enjoy trying to figure out.

    I have an innate *thing* that runs like a background process; i have a creepy, apparently accurate, ability of identifying emotional issues. This has me to be used as a therapist for quite some time. I find people's emotional knots intriguing; you're welcome to connect off devrant if u want.

    ChatGPT is actually pretty good at identifying emotions from message history btw.
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    I suggest Family Guy/Robot Chicken 😁
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