Idiotism and cluelessness is a plague among dev world.

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    Why would anyone at devrant take offense to this? I mean you are talking about "other people from other places" and surely not I. lol
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    @superdupernova got any sources to back those numbers up? (the one about programmers. i know that the numbers for people in general are by definition.)
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    @aviophille not to anybody else. mostly just to you.
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    Don't feed the trolls :( they are getting phat
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    Being pretentious and egotistical is as well
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    @superdupernova That's no wonder because programming is often about similar tasks as in IQ tests: recognising patterns and formalising them.

    You'll probably also find that carpenters score better than the average population in tests that revolve around woodworking.
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    @Fast-Nop every time I take an IQ like test I find myself getting better at seeing the patterns in the tests.
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    Exactly. Some even go to social media sites and create an account with a shit-ass name like “Lensflare” or something.
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    @Cyanide this rant is a sarcastic response to ostream‘s previous rant.
    But I like how you are triggered by that :)
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    @aviophille IQ measurement isn't bullshit.

    it's just that most people think "high IQ equals intelligence" - while it's just one relatively small factor. it's just the only factor that's quantifiable that way.

    worst case: a high IQ just means you get dumb ideas _faster_
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    @superdupernova it's the "best" in the sense that it's the only one.
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    It's all fixable, but people refuse to learn or put an effort in to learning.
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    Recently I'm inundated by the amount of times people complain about the population getting more and more stupid... Reading comprehension a lot of times, other deficiencies at others.
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    IQ measurement is, by definition, measuring of intelligence. Though I've noticed how adept you are in english, i think you may be using an assumed definition instead of the literal.
    Intelligence is a (likely genetic) ability to learn. Knowledge, smarts, wisdom, etc., can be correlated but certainly dont directly apply.

    IQ, as someone who's tested well into the genius range, is flawed/somewhat BS.
    Here's why:

    IQ is literally constructed to directly correlate to the curve of the population. 100 is, by definition, the average... aka, the top of a nearly symmetrical bell curve. So 85-115 is innately where most humans fall. if there was any major shift outside that range, the entire scale would shift to preserve these ratios.

    The further, in either direction, you go, the less likely it is to be accurate.
    Basic statistics.
    170+ = 0.0002%
    ~46k to 180k of 8bil people
    The odds that those people played a big, unemotional, part creating the test, unlikely.
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    Intelligence innately lacks any merit.

    The true plague, imo, is wilfull ignorance, hardened by the harmful avoidance of assigning responsibility, using 'tolerance' as an excuse for cowardice, laziness and unjust entitlement.

    For the record, I see most governments' disability granting practices as a major part of the issue.
    Anxiety?-- the cure is literally the same thing that's being avoided... contemplation and interaction, despite the feelings.

    Other emotional issues?-- why is there typically no req for seeking professional help???

    Physical disability?-- assuming you can move any part of your body/arent literally stuck in hospice, take a few years to gain a valid skillset, then get off gov assistance.

    Fyi, I'm literally, physically, disabled... not in some minor way. I get chastised by my friends for not acting disabled (for the most part, rightfully so).
    The rate of gov funded disability is factually, mathematically not sustainable.
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    @awesomeest With this brain fog I’ve been having for a couple weeks I feel like I qualify for mental retardation! There’s something I’m lacking, maybe stress. Pattern recognition is my strong point as well, remember getting a test in school and got every pattern question right lol. ADHD keeps my focus in check, and it may look like I’m slow but what’s really happening is my brain trying to stick to the task and wandering off again. Slow brain speed shouldn’t be an ADHD symptom.

    Fuck this brainfog, don’t want to code today but have to.
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    @aviophille but why are you obsessed with door knobs?
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    @awesomeest L2 is learn to?
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    After cleaning out all this redundant and complex code my shit for brains produced im starting to realize I’m gradually becoming less shit for brains. Anyone who says mental ability doesn’t fluctuate badly is wrong, at least in my case lol. Then again something in my recent diet must’ve triggered this
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