
If you ever feel like your code is useless, remember, someone made the “Jazz” equalizer preset on that cheap mp3 player you had in your childhood.

As if people ever chose something other than “Bass”.

  • 5
    Oh damn this hits hard home.

    Do you remember the time...Winamp was the way to go?
    Do you remember the timeeeeee...
  • 2
    @NeatNerdPrime really whips the IIama's ass
  • 5
    there's two kinds of people.

    those who choose "bass"

    and those who care about sound quality.
  • 1
    I once embedded Javascript inside a Python app for user side scripting. AND I WOULD DO IT AGAIN!
  • 1

    no treble...
  • 1
    @Demolishun Why not just python?
  • 2
    @lorentz Because with V8 you can limit what the user can do to only the functions/objects you specify. You cannot sandbox Python. I wanted the JS to only be able to interact with the objects I give it. With Python the introspection is too high. So even if I used a different Python interpreter internally the users would still be able to access operating system stuff. And it was cool and stuff.
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