
People who make "tutorial" videos on youtube where they copy and paste literally EVERYTHING, should get their channel banned.

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    @jestdotty IDGAF about this whining.

    @b2plane go get rekt fam.
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    @SidTheITGuy fuck your copy and pasting. I view those "devs" as lazy sacks of shit. U probably cant even code. U also probably cant even code well so thats why u copy and paste. You recording urself copy and pasting code is what even a retard can do. I dont need to watch ur face copy and pasting code. Im watching the video to LEARN what the fuck is happening, writing line by line as the tutorial goes, learn the whole thought process. If i wanted to copy and paste I could just go to your fucking github repo and do it without watching ur face on youtube. Copy and pasting isnt a tutorial. Its a maximized laziness
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    @SidTheITGuy i can also take someone elses code, not understand any of it and make a tutorial about it "hey look at me copy pasting this code that i wrote look how smart i am". Copy pasting makes u sketchy and dumb. Its fine to do it when u work alone but if ur recording a tutorial then why the fuck are you copy pasting if you know the video is recorded for someone else to watch. Cant believe i have to explain this common sense. Sid ur a fking dumbass indian tranny
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    It is going to get worse with "AI Coders".
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    The whole reason I look up videos of someone coding is because I osmosis their intuition and experienced understanding from the way they code

    The small things they didn't do and did do and those things make me think and figure things out

    Watching someone who doesn't know what they're working in is such a disappointment

    You can't communicate wisdom if you don't have any =[
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    I mean it is a derivative work and can hardly be considered fair use so technically the law agrees with you.
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    With intellisense and autocompletion and keyboard shortcuts, and auto-formatting and (well yeah) existing code snippets that can be copy/pasted and then adapted, I very rarely actually type out entire blocks of code letter by letter. I think if someone typed out every single character of code in a tutorial it would be veeeery boring to watch.
    I don’t see how copy/pasting code is contradictory with explaining your thought process and the steps needed to get to where you want to go, just as long as you can describe what you’re pasting and how it fits into what you’re building.
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    If you're learning, you stumble upon such a "tutorial" and don't realise something's fucky two minutes in, you're at fault too.
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    @b2plane you clearly haven't seen my videos.

    Well anyway you can go fuck yourself.
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    @b2plane for such an educated developer as you, a book or tutorial would be faster. Why do you watch yt tutorials?

    Edit: i would've never learned blender from a book tough, yt tutorials are great for visual stuff
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