I wonder how big Googles DB is.

  • 4
    @Alice All of them
  • 6
    I bet they have more than one... 😂
  • 13
    @Alice Find f(x).
    It's right there||

    ... 🍪
  • 3
    an quarter zetabyte
  • 4
    they have a billion lines of source code
  • 5
    Lol, imagine they have a fuckload of data and that fuckload of data is replicated a fuckload of times... Thats how big it is
  • 11
    @stop My guess would be between 2.5 and 25 exabyte (million terabyte), because 4 years ago it was estimated to be a bit over 1 exabyte.

    I'd think Youtube is the worst offender, and Youtube used to increase by about 1 petabyte a day back then. Increasing upper limit along the lines of Moore's law, and considering a large increase in UHD/60fps content...

    I dunno, might be far more. Maybe their current Google Assistant or other AI databases take up lots of space. Maybe there are businesses with giant G-suite subscriptions. Maybe they keep redundant copies of all of the world's porn, for after the apocalypse. Who knows.
  • 5
    >Insert XKCD Ted talk about how he tried to figure that out
  • 6
    I've had a Bing (googling wouldn't work for obvious reasons) and the answer is 7.
  • 7
    Its 42
  • 3
    I heard that Google has terabytes on every user. Add that to things like file hosting (like drive and youtube) and the Google’s other stuff. It’s a lot.
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