
One of the linux engineers gets up with: 'I'm sorry, I just pushed a windows server sale to the sales guy :/'

Linux engineer 1: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE D:
Linux engineer 2: WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT @_@
Linux engineer 3: Why the FUCK would we want to manage yet another piece of problems?!

Engineer who said it: 'But it's still a sale guys....'

All engineers: THAT'S NOT A VALID EXCUSE O_o


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  • 28
    A few days ago I found out that my school uses windows server

    Is this a valid reason to change schools?
  • 22
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    Lucky you. At our company we have to fight for Linux servers.
  • 4
    @404response Although I'm also inclined to say yes....
  • 5
    @linuxxx That's an awesome idea man!
  • 6
    @linuxxx Oh stop it, you 😊
  • 4
    @linuxxx Aawh, don't mention it 😊
  • 24
    He is high again
  • 7
    My experiences:
    Exchange compatible server on Linux?
    No thanks
    Active Directory server on Linux?
    No pls
    No No No No No

    Worth noting:
    Windows is far better handling storage failures in a hypervisor than Linux.
  • 7
    @Linux In our experience windows machines have a much higher failure/maintainance rate and when they crash, mother of god, poor engineers :/
  • 7
    When maintained by a Linux sysadmin yes! ;) (Trust me)
    Otherwhise, they are pretty stable.
  • 4
    @Linux Oh no that guy is also very good with Windows (he doesn't like it but that's a different story).
  • 7
    If someone does not like something he works with - that person will never be really good at it.
    I mean, look at you, you love what you are doing and that is why you are good at it.
  • 3
    @Linux Don't entirely agree, when I see him working with windows, that guy knows shitloads about it and is good with it as hell. But he hates the system anyways. Except for that, from what I'm seeing here, that system is instable as a *******. Just my experience/observations.
  • 2
    @linuxxx the windows sale really got you I see. lol
  • 0
    @Linux We have had good luck integrating AD with Linux but I do feel Microsoft has a better product in AD than other ldap solutions. Same with email, exchange seems to run pretty well normally.
  • 3
    @linuxxx lol I doubt cancer specialists like cancer. :P
  • 1
    Are you using Linux as an LDAP server or just authing to one ?
  • 1
    @codePatrol Yeah but that's not really comparable to this one...
  • 1
    @Linux Just auth. This is at a previous role so I couldn't speak to what they're doing now but it was just for authentication. They also had RBAC enabled but I don't know how they were managing that or if it was even tied into AD. It was an ibm product that managed RBAC. That was also enforced on Linux. It seemed to work okay.
  • 3
    Authing against AD on Linux is no problem. Works perfect and is fairly easy to set up :)
    My example was about running an LDAP compatible server that other server auth to on Linux. That is hell.
  • 2
    @Linux yeah that would be horrible. Even setting up ldap on a completely Linux environment is a pain in the ass. Cross platform would not be fun.
  • 5
    I rather eat a bag of seal dicks than doing that.
  • 3
    But in Windows:
    *click click click*

    I still prefer Linux in the majority of cases.
  • 2
    @404response @linuxxx @linuxxx School System Admin here. The answer is no, all schools use windows because the computers we manage are windows and Linux doesn't have any better options. And whatever options it does have fucking suck for managing windows desktops.
  • 2
    @Linux Agreed. My soul feels unclean when installing Windows but if it's the right tool for the job, use it. If Linux is the best tool for the job, use it.
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    @codePatrol I don't in windows' case but for ethical reasons.
  • 1
    Anybody else find it amusing when Linux fans start behaving like apple fans >:D
  • 3
    @cjbatz Half of them are regular windows users haha, just talking servers here, not desktops
  • 2
    @cjbatz Next to that, knowing a few apple/windowd fanboys, how's this fanboying? Just talking about a funny event.
  • 1
    @linuxxx It's more the gleeful bashing of that product that is not someones favorite product that amuses me, as if the product has no real value even though it has sizable market share for real reasons. As far as I'm concerned, diversity brings strength.
  • 1
    @cjbatz It does bring strength. But if that goes at the cost of making money off of personal data, not giving people the freedom to work with software the way they want and in many cases automatically integrates them in mass surveillance networks them I think this product or however you'd call it should seize to exist.
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