school takes the creativity out of programming.

you want to try something new?
sorry, can't have that. functionality = priority.

school takes the choice out of programming.

- you're gonna use x language
- with x api
- in x environment
- and make it in x way
- because if you don't, your gonna fail x assignments
- because programming is about getting the job done, with no creativity

yeah fuck you too

school takes the cleverness out of programming

you get a turn left function. it turns a 'turtle' left any amount of degrees that you pass it, you have to make a turn right function to turn right 90 degrees. well, if you thought turning left -90 degrees was a good idea to make a turn right function, then fuck you. you have to turn left three timeswith the default 90 degrees instead because it's more practical/logical.

fuck that.

anyone else hate the movements to get programming into schools?

  • 3
    @ewpratten if school had a course on vim then it would start out with "what is binary?" because fuck logic, you'll never use binary (generally, except cryptography)
  • 2
    @Torbuntu in a real job I imagine they won't care if you turn left -90 degrees, and you get to chose your ide (in some jobs) and you'll get to use a language of choice because when you applied for the job you knew what technologies they would be using
  • 4
    @ewpratten yeah, we had to make a right() function that turned right 90 degrees. plus, the terrible programmers at code.org don't give a fuck about naming convention, so the turn left function from the api is turnLeft() and the turn right function is just right()
  • 4
    In real world:

    I have a poorly defined problem

    I don't care how you solve it, but it needs to be fast

    Now go work your magic... I need it ASAP
  • 1
    I feel with you mate, restrictions in assignments suck hard :C, it's even worse if the restrictions are unclear, not that this happened to me yesterday...
  • 2
    What's funny is that for me i didnt have too many limits, there was a class where we were to team up and make an android app, we managed to convince our lecturer to let us use unity to make a game, and run it on android.

    Another time when i was told make an interactive scene using jogl (java openGL) i ended up making a very simple first person shooter with sound and custom models and textures ( i ended up spending quite a bit of time on it and my lecturer enjoyed it)

    I guess for me i had limits but because i really really wanted to make a game out of every project, i found a way lol, i'm sure with a bit of imagination you can push the limits to make what you want
  • 0
    I love how my teacher limits the programming languages we're "allowed" to use.
    Im a perl coder but my teacher is like "php or c# only or you won't get graded" like why? Why do you have to be this way you fucktard? As long as the code does what it's supposed to do who cares? I could write my code in brainfuck if I want to why do you mind? You're not gonna look at the code anyway you prick!
  • 0
    @Condor bitwise operators, that's it. our teacher said "uhh, you'll use it in assembly" the fUCk
  • 1
    Like many things in this world, the intentions were great but the execution is fucking horrible. The whole programming in schools movement is just that. Most of the teachers just teach for the tests or what Code.org or other organizations like it provide. This creates the stereotype of the CS teacher who doesn't know shit. It's worse when curriculums like Code.org provide stuff that treats the students like fucking idots.
  • 3
    And them you get to the real world where you gonna face code like:


    // you have to guess the degree


    All in the same fucking 100k line file that does 13483628 different things that originally meant to be simple but fucktards fucked everything.
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