
There’s a fundamental difference between development and other jobs.

Doctor: Hey! My left arm is hurting and has been swollen for a while, I think it might be sprained. *pays $100*

Taxi Driver: Hey! Can you ride me over to this exact address? Thanks. *pays $20 + tip*

Construction Worker: I’m going to need this exact item in the blueprint built here with these materials. *pays $1000*

Mechanic: This part of my car isn’t working correct and it displays this exact warning. *pays $100*

Developer: Yo I need a cool free website that looks pretty awesome with like rainbows and stuff by tomorrow.

  • 26
    ...and wants to pay $0
  • 13
    and then again I think web development actually is a hell of its own
  • 1
    To be fair, construction workers also often have to work a lot longer than planned, and 1000 the ngs including the Budget change
  • 2
    On delivery:
    Where are all these other things that were in the brief??

    (never actually in brief)
  • 3
    Why'd you tip the taxi driver for doing his job?
  • 3
    you only tip people for doing their job
  • 0
    @simulate Ye but why the taxi driver? This tip system never made sense to me. Why do you tip some people but not others? Why do you tip at all unless the service truly exceeded your expectations?
  • 0
    @Froot you are right, it only really makes sense for service jobs and if you were really exceptionally satisfied with their job. But I guess it became rude not to pay tip at some point and today its basically a norm. You can still not pay any tip to express how unhappy you were with your experience though.
  • 5
    @simulate Mmmm. Must be an American thing. Here giving a tip means I was super happy, more than I expected. Not giving a tip means that it's as expected and pointing out that it sucked means that it sucked 😄

    Also, it's especially weird in restaurants I think. Why'd I tip the waiter then its the chef who cooked the food? If anything id tip the chef.
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    @CodeKill notice the “free” website
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    @Froot the waiter is usually paid much less than the chef which is why you tip them (to the best of my understanding)
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    @Froot in many cases (gastronomy especially) the tip is actually considered in the wage calculation. ;)
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    @Froot where I live it is common that the tip is split among all employees of the restaurant
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    @calmyourtities, @theCalcaholic
    Well yea but... How is that your problem? The restaurant should pay fair wages, sure, but I'm not going to pay their wages for them. Especially when I'm already paying insane price for the food

    @simulate Ah, that's good
  • 2
    @Froot It's not my problem, it's just part of the story.
  • 2
    @Froot much of a waiters salary is tips. this is generally an american practice, probably has something to do with our food industry, and a waiter being a first job for many, it's nice to help.
  • 1
    @calmyourtities It's the same in Germany.
  • 0
    Actually using tips as part of the salary is a great idea if it ends up not being taxed.
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