What if we developerized our proverbs?

1. A bad developer blames his tools.

2. Code speaks louder than comments.

3. Birds of a text editor flock together.

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    @ThatDude ummm. Proverbs. You know.

    1. A bad carpenter blames his tools..

    2. Actions speaks louder than words.

    3. Birds of a feather flock together.

    You've never heard these? O.o
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    @byte-me you left the first one the same (in the comment)
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    @MatiasConTilde oh, shit. Yeah. Thanks! Corrected (:
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    @ThatDude what proverbs have you heard?
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    @ThatDude hahaha that’s not right. “A picture says more than a thousand words”.

    I like yours more though :D
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    A screenshot shows more than a blurry camera picture. You lazy bums :)
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    Birds of a text concatenator flock together. ;)
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    A code without it's comment is like a lego without instructions
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    @ewpratten alright relaaax
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    @ewpratten damn thanks for saving it ;)
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    I like it 😁😁
    It will b fun haha 😂😂
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    A test a day keeps the bugs away
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    @irene :-/

    Should I have changed it to 'developers of a text editor flock together'?

    Also, they're proverbs not principles or facts. They don't always have to be true.
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    @C6583S both your suggestions are awesome!
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    Know yourself and your UML and you shall build a hundred times.
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    @irene there's an exception to every rule.

    And it is not a lie if it is almost always true.
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    @irene ugh.

    What do you have against proverbs anyway?
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    @irene like what? Give me an example.
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    What if the tools were written by bad developper?
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    @tyrogge then you'd get PHP.
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    Don't sell the fur before the bear has been shot / Don't sell the feature before it has been built.

    The remedy is worse than the disease / The patch is worse than the bug

    Look before you leap / Think before you code

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away / A refactor a day keeps the tester away

    When the cat's away the mice will play / When I'm away all other developers devolve into retards who merge fucking broken code.

    Now the monkey departs the sleeve / I guess this only works in Dutch.
  • 4
    @byte-me @irene you guys are funny, LOL. Well I won't call them lies, they were created long times ago and not get updated so we felt as lie at this days and context.

    And now the proverb.

    Don't judge a developer by the language.
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    @bittersweet haha. With bad experiences come great proverbs!
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    @CurseMeSlowly I don't think @irene will appreciate it, but it's neat! ;-)
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    @irene although the output is similar, the language, method and functions used to get the output may be different 😳
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    @irene proverbs are more of an open source kinds 😆😝
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    @irene ah digging history to find any proverbs you used. Failed. 😫 Ok proverbs are misinformation and thus lies. Accepted. =_=
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    @CurseMeSlowly @irene what the hell just happened???

    It is subjective, okay? Different people have different perspectives! Proverbs are ancient and sometimes outdated, but the mere fact that they are being used until today is proof enough that they carry some truth in them :-/
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    @irene of course it is. It is even being taught is schools.
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    @byte-me oiiiii why did you resume this -.-
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    @irene okay. Let's not get religious here, alright? Not all proverbs are from the Bible.

    It is still about language. Communication has been evolving since the oldest man. Proverbs are just older generations giving some life advice to the younger ones so that we don't repeat the same mistakes they did.
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    @CurseMeSlowly because you let him win! :-/
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    @byte-me wait @irene is a him? 😱

    @ThatDude challenge accepted then, I am famous among my friends as the most argumentative guy (we have a local saying which is literally translated as "argue-by-closing-own-arse" kind of guy)
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    'They have nothing in common with exact and clear information' --- it is called being metaphorical.

    The only reason they change over time is because they haven't been perfectly documented. And yet, they prevail.

    I disagree with you saying they are misinterpreted. Proverbs are just morals from the stories we heard as kids. Different people have been taught in different ways and they may each have their own perspective.
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    @irene @byte-me ok back to proverbs. Both of you are right, you know.

    Proverbs are part of history. It will exist and it has to exist no matter they are truths or lies or bullshits. So we shouldn't ditch that.

    Imagine it as the un-developed programming language. So more like machine level languages like assembly? I don't know. Just an example. We need those languages. There are things we can learn from those languages. Right?

    @byte-me I didn't let her win. I just accepted her point of view 😎 I am such a gentleboy 😳
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    My point is, proverbs are ancient and cleverly written and they can be fun. They also carry some profound, historical meaning in them.

    I completely understand if you don't feel the same way.
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    @CurseMeSlowly you do know @irene is a he, right?
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    @byte-me once a sister, always a sister. To me she is a girl who likes harem anime 😌
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    @CurseMeSlowly haha. Okay, then.
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    @irene ok We can continue the gender topic at the rant I just posted. 😅 😅 😅 let's just talk about proverbs and misinformation at this thread.
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    @irene why do I have a feeling you're kidding?
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    Note: we now have same # of comments as ++ on this rant. Now 78.
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    @AKCr and I just ruined it muahahaha 😈

    get someone to increase the ++ count 😏
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