Been wanting to get into OOP and unit testing, haven't found a single semi big project that I can use to study these techniques...

Wrote myself a class when asked to do an API call last week, and I think it looks pretty decent...

Does anyone have a ressource to just see how to do it "properly" on medium sized projects? (100k loc)

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    Find a tool that calculates and shows test coverage. For visual studio, there is axocover.
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    @CWins it's not so much about the tools, it's more about seeing how it's implemented in the real world instead of the textbook implementation
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    @DLMousey I mean, I mainly work with php, but any language is fine. Mostly looking for a real world implementation instead of animal dog cat examples
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    I got you bro. Here is a resource that I used some time ago. I had been using plain php for a while, and even tho I would use oop as much as possible this opened my mind to some advanced topics:

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    @AleCx04 thanks for the link! Was a really nice read, I'll look into implementing it in a project sooner or later :)
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