
i wonder if the fact it takes so long to write anything in rust means few people will write anything in rust so things will change at a snail's pace

unlike javascript

  • 4
    We need WD-40
  • 2
    Well its adoption hasn't exceeded 1% yet. This is below Classic Visual Basic and Perl. But it is increasing steadily. It probably needs more interaction with the greater programming community. I do see people mentioning Rust in C++ forums comparing features positively. Often C++ devs like something from Rust and would like to see that feature in C++. On the flip side I see people mentioning issues with the Rust community. It seems liker there might be political tension there. But I also see that in a lot of other projects.
  • 1
    I've just dabbled in Rust and glanced at it from the sidelines but what I find at my company is

    * Most devs seem to respect Rust. They have heard it's one of the most loved languages among it's (few) users. And that it seems like a language that makes sense.

    * Most consider it a relatively mature language and a decent bet for the future.

    * But it feels like adoption has been slower than I expected a few years ago, when I read about how it was looking like Rust was one of the most trending languages in github codebases and it was looking like Rust would become the future's default language for new projects with mem or perf requirements.
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