
Stuff old white Christian males say:

“Well, the Bible says white hair is the crown of glory”


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    is that like the worst thing to say lol

    when the Bible was written pretty sure few people lived into old age to have grey hair

    in wildlife, very few animals live to be grandmothers. biologists have something called the grandmother thereom, which is groups of animals survive better if they have a grandmother in them. because this animal made correct decisions in their life and unlike her compatriots survived until old age. there was once respect and wisdom in elders for this reason in humans, too
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    If someone said that to me I’d shoot them
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    Grand parents help you get laid.

    I think I have to explain this. There was something called the convent studies. Researchers went through the medical history of a nun convent and found that the more intelligent they were, the longer they lived and staid healthy. Dumber sisters died earlier and suffered of more diseases in a statistically relevant way.

    Therefore the conclusion is, from a evolutionary point of view, dumb grand parents die, smart ones get you laid.... Probably by giving you good advice, therefore making you a better, more successful person, which is an attractive trait. But that's just the method. The ablativus instrumentalis. The goal is, like always in evolution, to get you laid.
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    I didn’t know only white males could get white hair?
    Also do you know what a metaphor is?
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