Lol....this was only save her......

  • 12
    Client:, But can we use same font for 'tabs not space'
  • 8
    Spaces ftw
  • 2
    @Condor Less typing
  • 5
    @Condor : "..general consensus that tabs.."
    - "28 people voted so far"

    \U+0020 FTW!
  • 15
    I use the tab button to put in spaces!
  • 1
    @Condor lol nothing to be ashamed of.

    and if you have any decency, you'd admit its much more elegant than \U+2B7E 😷
  • 1
    @rc5-asdf get fired? I use tabs it won't wear out your space bar.
  • 3
    Hmm I prefer spaces
  • 4
    Someone please tag Richard from Silicon Valley.She's the girl for him!
  • 2
    Well, I guess Douglas Crockford will nuke her off before someone could find her
  • 4
    If tabs were always 4 characters, I wouldn't care.
    But they're not. And when people mix tabs and spaces, the result is an unreadable mess.

    Thus the only way to preserve code sanity is to enforce spaces.
  • 3
    @dougheeren absolutely no one uses the space-key for indentation. Everyone who says he uses spaces for indentation does so with the tab-key. Why would you even think that we use the space-key?

    I don't hit space 6 times if I need three levels of indentation. I hit tab once, and let the ide make the 6 spaces.
  • 1
    Somebody knows what is the message on the original comic ?
  • 4

    There are only three rules:

    1. Starting a new project, and existing style convention for the language exists? Use the official style. Tabs for Go, 4 spaces for Python, 2 spaces for Ruby, space-aligned for Haskell, etc.

    2. Existing project works fine, but indentation style conflicts with official or conventional style? Ask the team whether they unanimously support conversion. If there is disagreement, don't force one over the other, but do force a consistency rule.

    3. No official rule, and starting a new project? Consider following community convention (https://ukupat.github.io/tabs-or-sp...) as much as possible, but you can pick whatever you like.

    There, solved.
  • 1
    @heikomat reverse you're assumption.
  • 0
    @heikomat I use caps lock too. Must be a dinosaur.
  • 0
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