Terminal + cowsay + lolcat = awesomeness

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    One question: How?
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    @Mitiko probably echo __insert the text in the box__ | lolcat | cowsay with some flag to specify the Tux art.
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    sudo apt install cowsay lolcat
    cowsay -f tux 'Hello World' | lolcat
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    @jmclemo6 I believe the lolcat has to be last in order to make lolcat color tux
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    @romangraef I was actually just about to come back and say this. You're right.
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    @jmclemo6 I would have left it to you but I didn't saw your comment till mine was already posted. sorry :(
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    @romangraef what he wrote :)
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    I've got a weird idea. Why not do that but for your latest DevRant notifications or something...?

    I mean it probably wouldn't work and wouldn't be very helpful but it could be nice.
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