
government "digitalization" strategy

  • 4
    my dad bought one of those 15 years ago. Different vendor. it's still functional.
  • 0
    Weird. I thought fax2email was the solution, as approved by Legal.
  • 3
    Digitization just gives people with access the ability to destroy other people's lives with little effort.
  • 1
    If it's about existing documents, this seems like the only viable option (otherwise imagine having to chase someone to re-sign a document, even if digitally). If it's about new documents, yeah, it's a problem.
  • 0
    So many Germans here
  • 0
    @scor mein kamf
  • 1
    it’s easier to destroy hard drive than to burn document archive building - just saying what digitalization is for
  • 0
    ...what, did you expect them to hire people to read paper and manually convert it? that's a safety risk, since the papers may be classified! obviously, you scan them first, which is OK since only physical copies are usable in court in the year of our lord 1969.
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