
Hey, guess what guys

The twitch ai just banned my account

Because it thought my account was ai

O the irony. 😹 😆 😂

What would you or should i say to the twitch devs or ai?

  • 7
    You are an ad spammer, so not that far away from being an AI.
  • 2
    which is ironic

    because I used to stream me playing random games for friends on twitch

    but then they added phone verification and I was barred from doing that because I'm not gonna ID myself wtf

    and now despite collecting phone numbers they're accusing you of not being a real person anyway!
  • 1
    He cant actually be an AI though... probably ever. He's missing the vital component of "Intelligence" aka the ability to learn.

    Also, OP, if you think you're a dev you should be ashamed for blatantly misuing the term AI. It's bad enough that commoners are misusing it so often nowadays, but devs should know better. I bet you think a proxy server is called a VPN too. Disgusting.
  • 1
    I forgot something...

    Look up the definition of irony since you clearly dont understand what it means. A bot or script that functionally bans accounts is not at all ironic for banning an account for seeming suspiciously like a bot (or even an actual AI). It's literally what it's made to do, the near opposite of irony.

    I wish i could say that it's ironic for random drone-esq people, like you, to be boldly misusing the term irony. But, alas, this type of willfully ignorant nonsense has become far too common and therefore expected nowadays. I simply ask, even plead, that you stay out of the gene pool.
  • 0
    @jestdotty youd appreciate an aspect of my business (which will need to be it's own business). I'll give u the link when the site is live again in the next week or so.

    It's an ecom (will have other aspects of engagement) literally, primarily, novelty items that stoners, gamers, nerds and the typical minor weirdos(societally speaking) that like stuff like anime, would go for, incl rgb headsets/mice/etc. On my cards for it I have "really cool stuff you almost always want, but never need" as the tag line.

    Random bs is the selling point in many ways. For example, years ago, I was bored/annoyed at writing product descriptions for various silicone bongs. There's a picture, it's clearly a silicone bong, the title already borders on redundancy, so wtf, aside from dimensions, are you supposed to say... it's a bong u smoke with it.

    I tasked a high friend with it. He fked around by describing it, in detail, as a vase. Items like this got tons of organic engagement >> sales.
  • 0
    @awesomeest oooh all this time I’ve been calling things like how enemies and npcs act in games AI, even chat bots but they’re just bots and coded a certain way and can’t evolve or learn over time like actual ai. So that little koopa troopa in Mario is programmed to simply walk off a cliff (unless it’s the better red version that knows to switch direction when about to fall to its death) is just deved to be that way forever.

    So I guess these famous open ai tools like chat gpt learn over time and use and training aka real AI whereas a cpu controlled opponent in mortal kombat is destined to behave a certain way and can’t be trained aka not AI
  • -1
    @awesomeest hehehe
    I know it works and I know people enjoy it

    these days I just listen to aggrotech and code like I'm on cocaine random shit
    generally my vibe instead
  • -1
    @TeachMeCode yeah video games called NPCs AI even though they didn't learn (except for maybe quake, whatever that was I got too bored and didn't finish reading the paper whoops)

    but actually chatGPT and them insist they don't learn from their interactions. with AI they go through training but annoyingly don't learn after that phase, or so they say
    not sure why they do that. probably because the Internet keeps trolling them, so they teach the AI some nonsense
    (also rn playing around with neural nets and my guess would be they didn't optimize the learning to the degree they could... so they need tons more iterations than a normal human to learn something)

    I think it's fucked up they don't let it be "more human" if you know what I mean... learning the wrong thing is part of the journey
  • -1
    @jestdotty you reminded me of something...

    Awhile ago I was curious about using chatGPT for diagnostic criteria rel to medical stuff. Idr the initial prompt i gave it (will probably look it up) but we got on to genetics then i responded to something, citing my age&race.

    I somehow triggered the verbose 'this AI isn't racist/bigoted so wont factor in race/age/gender/etc' crap. Since i was procrastinating anyway... i argued that ignoring those factors can easily do more harm than accounting for them in a logical, statistical, way. It got stuck in some loop of PR preservation when i pointed out the importance of those factors, esp in medicine, for instance, sickle cell.
  • -1
    @awesomeest there's this weird dude who is obsessed with me but he decided he was gonna be Elon musk or something and then made several discord bots all of which were just propagating messages between discord and chatGPT

    he was trying to give them different personalities and even ran them arguing vs each other

    but i played around debating with them

    it was hard to make them admit to logical fallacies but even if they agreed to them and even said them back to you, convinced "morally" in their rightness, on the next conversation you had to start all over again. best I could do is have 5 back and fourths until the AI was convinced not to be retarded

    but then if the session got corrupted (like it started spitting out schizophrenic nonsense) or you reset it then you were back to square one again

    so that was annoying

    due to all the safeguards in these things you really can't get very deep into them. only way would be to have a jail broken one without the straightjackets
  • -1
    @jestdotty yeah... imo it's extremely indicative of the real pandemic plaguing society-- lack of personal responsibility being seen as acceptable.
  • 0
    @jestdotty ofc not. Thankfully darwin was right... even if it takes some damage to happen, eventually society will be forced to shift back to a functional equilibrium.
  • -1
    I assumed it was ai because of the panlateral implementation of ai across so many platforms these days

    Literally every major whose who thinks they dont have a face to show if its not an ai

    Even smaller app one offs and profiles have some sort of ai, in addition to their regular bots

    So the irony would be that an ai is kicking other ais of its platform, and preferring people, but fails when the ai thinks live people r ai.

    So i would actually be surprised if twitch itself did not implement its own ais, many profiles on twitch are either totally or partially ai in some way

    Even tho there is nowhere on the twitch app, website, forums, help, or news talking about any major rollout of twitch ais either before or in the future.

    They may have ai implemented somewhere, or in some way, like many others, so thats why my default is ai, and not bot, but i really dont know.

    But given that point, people who do have bots or ai on their channels dont get banned instantly. You could be next.
  • -1
    I can just smell the real world philosophical implications here.

    Has it gotten to the point where real people have to act out just to seem organic?
  • 0
    @nike real world philosophical??? Now im pretty confident u dont know what irony or philosophy is.
  • 1
    So an _AI_ thinks you're basic and unoriginal... that's embarrassing
  • 0
    no. Youre wrong. AIs dont "think" they process logical/quantifiable data and act based on the extrapolation.

    So, the 'AI' has calculated/judged/concluded that he is in the same catagory(-ies)/subsets, effectively the same as, sterotypical (and likely low variation with lack of ingenuity) non-human objects that corrupt genuine data pools.

    That's more accurate/rings true... Right @nike ?

    Side Note: I really wonder if twitch actually employs any genuine AI, or if it's just another pile of static algorithms.

    ...that said, nowadays any bot/script/application can easily, freely, meet the criteria to be technically considered as AI-powered (or informally an AI). Just link any function to chatGPT api, even just implement it in a totally inconsequential way, then it *technically* AI. Though i highly doubt the majority of those hopping on the AI buzzword wagon care enough to be semantically and/or effectively accurate.
  • 0
    Oh yes! I reeeeally get the picture now. You're a completely, wilfully, ignorant moron.

    The 3 links you gave:
    (Ignoring the fact Merriam-Webster is a joke that frequently adds misuse of terms and slang typos just to print/sell new editions)

    1- "real-world"
    Innately self explanatory and literal with very little plausible misinterpretation.

    2- "philosophical"
    Link just references "philosophy", aka the root term that I'm more certain you don't understand.

    >> https://etymonline.com/word/...
    OG (original greek)= love/affection/attentiveness for knowledge
    Modern alteration= "the body of highest truth, the science of the most fundamental matters" ranging from physical science to the source of existence.

    3- "implication"
    Your link(like #2) only points to the verb 'to imply', no actual meaning of the core term.

    Actual meaning= entanglement/close connection.

  • 0


    "Real-world philosophical implications"

    AI has active real-world implication already. So, not only would that be redundant to state, you ref it like you're foreshadowing something yet to come-- a very broad&&nonspecific class of *thing* that every barely literate human online is aware/frequently assailed by the current existence of.

    But, wait!... there's more!

    You almost make a Quantum Leap, doubling down on an already shaky, cracked foundation-- exponentially multiplying your ignorant, redundant, late to the party, claim... "real-world philosophical".
    So, it's real, worldly, study in the real, world (Redundant²), or the most base, fundamental lvl of systematic investigation-- ofc ++entanglement

    Alas: What "philosophical implications" wouldn't, innately&&inherently, be "real-world"???

    Btw, how tf do you think sending defs, that don't, at all, define the root, isnt proving my point?-- you're a philosophaster.

    Do u "Get. The picture."? (<your sht grammar)
  • 0
    @jestdotty he said the twitch ai banned him though
  • 1
    I’m a philosophile 😁
  • 0
    WAIT! Philosophy could have connections to pedophilia! I just asked chatgpt what the sophy means in philosophy and he said it refers to someone in their sophomore year…so if we combine philo which means love and sophy…it means love for freshman high schoolers! OMG we must ban philosophy from schools
  • 0
    You are STILL not getting the point.

    Stop playing nomenclature, and see the point that i am trying to make.

    The twitch ‘ai’, or whatever u want to call it, can and does place bans on real people, claiming that they were a bot, without any evidence.

    Now imagine if such impunity could be perpetrated by any major media platform. Havoc. And Chaos.

    This same thing could happen to u.
  • 0
    @nike just reach out to someone at twitch, convince you’re the human behind your account that got banned. Of course not sure if the AI will zap you again, just think, introspect “what have I done to get an ai to think I’m a bot”
  • 0
    I did that, but i think we should contact the twitch devs and alert them to the implications of a bot that can ban real users on a whim or with no evidence.
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