
have you ever learned something you wish you hadn't and also what was it

  • 4
    Jar Jar Binks is a sith who triggered the clone wars and the galactic civil war…oh actually I don’t regret learning that one bit lol.
  • 8
    Nft. It seemed that I understood it correctly but couldn't imagine it was really that stupid. So, you buy an URL that points to some server with a picture...

    My faith in humanity was lost for a while. We're doomed
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    I learned that after buttsex, there are cases where the one that got it in the pooper has to go to the toilet and let out a really hard fart. Courtesy of my gay friend who thought I was sleeping when he got kinky with one of his fuck buddies, at like 6 a.m.

    I really didn’t need to know that. But I got to witness it firsthand.
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    @ars1 what did the fart smell like
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    @retoor the worst is that with the regulations of most countries, you don’t own the image at all, which means that you can buy the NFT and be prosecuted just after for using the image associated.
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    1. How the world actually operates.

    2. Don't EVER search for "shit pictures" online.

    3. People are pretty stupid in parts of their lives. I used to be blissfully ignorant of this. Yes, I know this about myself now too. It sucks.
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    When you chew corn properly and you shit it out the next day in the form of blocks, it's not actually corn. It's the skin of corn filled with poop.

    so yeah.....
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    The anarchist cookbook.
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    I had to learn a bit of Delphi and dBase for a one-off project a while back.
  • -1

    1. Hitler was right, read his book. Hint: it is not what school told you.

    2. Second, I live for the Jewish economical gain, whatever I do as they control the biggest banks and businesses in Europe and the USA.

    3. The whole tech industry is owned by Blackrock and therby woke. No escape from supporting older men who want to have sex with kids :/

    4. It is impossible to keep in touch with the tech world if you want to have life beside your computer.
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    @TeachMeCode you don't wanna know
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    Typescript's type gymnastics
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    @kobenz typescript can be a pain in the ass
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    @TeachMeCode yes. It's disgusting.... Digging through `tsc`' source code makes it all even more appalling.
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