
On the train's public WiFi while traveling and want to use a VPN connection to one of my own VPN servers.

I'm now just realizing that the openvpn port is probably not an allowed one on this network and I set the port to the default openvpn one 😥

Fuck me sideways right now.

  • 2
    uh oh, here comes the midnight meat train
  • 0
    But mullvad supports binding to 80 etc too?..
  • 2
    @wolt I'd say it's not blocked but not opened. Like firewall in whitelist mode and they opened only web and mail cause they couldn't think of any other useful port one could need in train.
  • 0
    Just use an SSL VPN 😉
  • 0
    Why not just use an ssh-based socks proxy?

    No server-side config necessary.
  • 0
    @bahua Only bridges TCP. UDP would still be blocked. Tried that in school and was disappointed.
  • 0

    Sure, but it'll do in a pinch.

    And it'll certainly allow mister XXX to change whatever setting he needed on his openvpn.
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