
Dear Telegram, the fact that you're using a service which provides app usage/metrics/analytics kind of is not nice.

"But they've got the right to!"

Of course they do. But, when you advertise yourself as a messaging app focused on privacy, I expect you to behave that way.

And yes, we know your crypto is broken as fuck but that's not the point right now.

Oh and yeah, the next blog item will probably be about Telegram and how not-privacy friendly it is.

  • 3
    Sources on the appmetrics?
  • 7
    Oh and for the curious, I got a notification from PMP (Protect My Privacy, Xposed privacy app thingy) that HockeyApp was trying to access uniquely identifiable information which is not needed to operate the app as far as I know (it was trying to access it as a library within Telegram).
  • 2
    @JoshBent See my first comment :)
  • 3
    @linuxxx you dont really specify what it was actually trying to access, so it does sound kind of like false alarm?
  • 11
    WhatsApp = NSA & other western spy agencies
    WeChat = Chinese Communist Party
    Telegram = a tool of the FSB to spy it's citicens and the west.
    Line = japanese spy agency
    KakaoTalk = korean spy agency
  • 2
    @JoshBent Mac address, unique device ID, Network settings, that's what I remember
  • 2
    @heyheni So what's left?
  • 4
  • 4
    @speedForce Yeah that one at least haha, use it a lot myself was just wondering which ones @heyheni would come up with
  • 4
    @IllSlapU Depends on how you'd program it :P
  • 3
    Gave up with telegram 2 years ago when it was analysed for security. I believe this was the paper I read: https://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.857...
  • 2
    @px06 Can you see into the future and give me my thesis? xD
  • 0
    well Conversations or ChatSecure with Public XMPP servers is better... May not be 100 percent secure but surely nonbots, No commercial minded data Snoop
  • 0
    What about iMessage? I think it is pretty secure, but I don’t know really. When I have to message something of value, it is via iMessage.
  • 0
  • 0
    What about wire?
  • 0
  • 1
    @robbietoppert Well it's closed source so apple can claim whatever the fuck it wants but nobody will be able to verify it.

    I'm not going to trust it!

    @Pavr I'm very much a signaller yah :)
  • 0
    @f7u12 Definitely. They're transparent about what they do, open source and provide the strongest crypto available.

    I trust it far more than whatsapp/telegram etc.
  • 0
    @f7u12 True but as long as it's pages source and owned by Facebook I'm staying away from it ;)
  • 0
    @f7u12 Facebook is known to advertise based on location/surrounding noise so it's actually quite possible!
  • 0
    @f7u12 Not sure about when just using it but when posting something, they do.

    And yeah that's the reason I root firewall block all Google shit on my phone ;)
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