
Fuck UI animations!

They’re cancer. They’re like violence: once you start it’s already too much, and too much is never enough.

  • 5
    I just want it to move faster

    I literally put my phone in debug mode so I can remove the animations lmao
  • 1
    I recently switch from i3 to Hyprland on my personal box. .. I know the animations are slower than i3 ... but they make me happy.

    ...I miss Wobbly Windows.
  • 2
    @jestdotty This is the way. The best I can do you in apple world is another animation
  • 1
    Too much violence is never enough, you say? I agree. 🗡️🙂
  • 0
    Hear, hear!

    And why, oh why can’t the UX/UI/frontend:ers just get together and make a decent attempt of at least AN EFFORT to PLAN for something common. It’s fucking different everywhere and it’s fucking annoying. Does not have to look _exactly_ the same but right now it’s just too much…
  • 0
    @sideshowbob76 we have that in CSS, it's called “ease”
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