
No one is born evil. Evil only ever forms in people as an answer to evil done to them.
Those who never face any evil are the luckiest. Those who develop evil but later find the strength to retire it are the strongest. Those who face evil but never respond with evil are saints. Those who do respond with evil are on their way to finding their inner strength.

  • 3
    People are born selfish and cry for everything they want. It takes years to unlearn that.
  • 2
    I disagree with your first sentence. There are absolutely genuinely evil people. Psychopathic narcissists, sadists, schadenfreude, etc. For such people, this is their nature, and many are unwilling to learn better behaviors.

    Worse, plenty of others have learned the above behaviors, and willingly act in that way. Their actions are not their mature, but their choice. If this isn’t evil, nothing is.
  • 1
    Nonsense; the very image of Genesis befittingly postulates the <I> of Evil as he which precedes the immortal's triumph and divine domain, signaled by man's sin and incapability for ineffable vociferation save through the catalyst of consecrated synthesis -- death even-eyed uppon my enemies, as annihilation spares none, neither will <I> with both hands bloodstained deny what's been prescribed by the blackness of my own heart.

    So let them mourn as I've mourned, for soon their sorrows will be too great to bear, and greater still, 'til their very souls lie numb and pale. Oh, the terror [we] henceforth call into descent, to titter as the roots of Creation feast on our bones and entrails...

    Doom is heavenly: alike a gateway to the fool and wise. Mercy is forgotten to the unforgiven, child -- bolt or perish, pray as prey do that the <I> remains blind, but Evil lurks all the same.

    And it. Is. Watching.
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    @Root those are sick people with actual psychiatric conditions. They need treatment.
  • 2
    Humans didn’t arrive at this point because they let the mammoth go out of empathy.

    Good or evil are simple constructs our thinking mind made up to believe in some lie which keeps them going.
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    counter-thesis by a cynic:

    all are born evil.
  • 1
    Gandhi once said, the world would be a better place if everyone remembered that people are assholes
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