I was activating virtualenv in powershell when my younger brother came in.

Me: *all nervous* please don't think I'm hacking or trying to set off a bomb. (He always thinks I'm hacking and tells on me.)

Brother: *silent*

Me: *even more nervous* I don't want my laptop to get taken away. Don't tell on me and say I'm hacking, because I'm not.

Brother: Oh, I know you're not hacking this time.

Me: You do? *relieved.*

Brother: Yeah, because this time it's a blue background, not a black one.

Me: Oh, haha. So you're only scared of things such as these? *opens CMD and Git Bash* you know, just because it's dark themed, doesn't mean it's malicious. Besides it—

Brother: oooOooOh! You're hacking again! I'm telling on you!

*Note to self: Never use dark theme in front of the ignorant again.)

  • 15
    Imagine the same thing that haooens to you with your brother, happened to me in class.

    I was f*cked
  • 31
    @HRT-713 I got ratted out like that once during math class. Teacher calls me over and boots up kali on her laptop. Im not joking.
  • 21
    How old is your brother? I feel blessed in the sense my family knows what I do because they do what I do. My dad and younger sister both code and my mom is great with tech.
  • 14
    My brother is 14.
  • 30
    @Michelle As a 14 year old male I ask for forgiveness on his behalf.
  • 13
    That would be sibling abuse xD
  • 7
    @Michelle and telling on your brother because you have no clue what he's doing isn't¿
  • 5
    @michelle You know your brother is stupid, why do you give him reasons for him to act stupid ? D':
  • 6
    @IllSlapU *penknife
  • 3
    I always thought this happens only in jokes
  • 4
    How about teaching your brother something about what you're doing?
  • 3
    How about break his Pinky and promise worse if he keeps doing this bullshit
  • 2
    I don't blame your brother, all those movies where they show people "hacking" use black background/green text ..etc.
  • 1
    @IllSlapU movies and tv series teach you that black screen=hacking..come on even i knew that :)
  • 1
    @ParkCity wait did you call @Michelle a man? 😂🤔
  • 4
    Tell on him masturbating... xD
  • 7
    I really hope none of you have younger siblings, otherwise I'm surprised they are still living today :0
  • 4
    I don't, and they wouldn't 😂

  • 1
    Thank goodness you don't xD
  • 3
    @Michelle I do have, luckily for me, my brother enjoys doing same tech-related stuff, so he gets me. My sister on the other hand, well, she's happy that I help her out when she has issues, otherwise, she doesn't even bothers me.

    I'm such a lucky bastard.
  • 2
    @Pointer Yes yes you are
  • 1
    I fight with my brother but I try not to hurt him since I don't want to get in trouble.
    My brother on the other hand could care less about getting in trouble and hits me when ever he's mad. This one time I told him to get off the computer and he threw a GLASS cup at me. It took every muscle in my body not to beat the shit out of him.
  • 3
    Please, sell me your siblings and you can take mine for free.
  • 2
    I feel guilty tho. The main reason why I don't hit him is because he has ADHD and the mind of a child. He's a 14 year old boy, yet if you call him a teenager, my family and all his friends will cringe. He is not mentally a teenager.

    My 6 year old sister is a lot more mature then him.

    So I suppose his behavior isn't his fault. It might be the ADHD.
  • 1
    Sheesh.. You're cruel :/
  • 3
    So why the fuck do you get punished for what he says? Wtf... @Michelle
  • 2
    Because my parents are also worried about black screens.
  • 1
    @YeahOkay @Michelle *Sigh* It's the blue ones they should be worried about.
  • 1
    Okay wow... That escalated pretty quickly.
  • 1
    @IllSlapU i wasnt trying to be funny ..thats just the fact, most of my family used to think i am hacking when i had command prompt open and i almost never have linux systems up around them until i had a sit down discussion and offered some details..and i dont blame them for interpreting it that way either.
    Watch any movie or tv series, a hacker always has a black screen with green fonts like someone here mentioned..
  • 1
    @irene It seems he arrived long after the "transformations" xD
  • 1
    @Michelle Even though I need the cash, no thanks, I love them <3

    Anyways, I think that sitting and having a chat with your parents wouldn't hurt. Not saying you should not must, just merely asking if you have thought or already done it.

    My father tries to understand what I do, sometimes he gets it, others not so much, but he knows I will stay out of trouble and he trusts in me.
  • 1
    Unpopular opinion... The problems are parents here, right? Shouldn't you be explaining to them that you're not "hacking" (with the air quotes) and that they need to calm down?
  • 1
    Now try using Linux 😂
  • 4
    Got my laptop taken away from me once at school for opening uxterm, so can definitely relate. Next day: black text on a white background, nobody bats an eye.

    People are fucked up.
  • 1
    @Pandentia :/
    What kind of asshatery is this?
    Makes me sad.
  • 1
    No, it is. He was diagnosed by a professional.
  • 1
    He doesn't have autism. You probably react to ADHD differently.
  • 1
    You didn't offend me. Sorry, for the tone of my replies. I just don't want to include a smiley face or a haha every time I answer just so people know I'm not offended. :)

    I'm just saying, I'm certain he doesn't have autism. The doctor would have told us.
  • 1
    This is why I tend to use "Black Background - Green Text" combo in public, people stay away from me.
  • 1
    glad my brother grew up and now codes in Python so he does not freak out when I use dark theme in IntelliJ IDEA, I still can't convince him to use PyCharm instead of IDLE and also to learn functions even if they don't use them in school yet but at least he no longer screams that I am hacking the internet when I am downloading some .iso using qBitTorrent
  • 1
    woah woah woah...all the violence here..it would be better to lecture him about what you do.. Either he ll understand or he ll get bored and never bother to mention that anymore..Win win..
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