** Fanboys getting triggered in 3...2..1 **

  • 15
    If the joke is that "electron is the best": I actually think that every fucking existing NodeJS crossplatform framework is just heavy shit. Please tell me if I'm wrong

    P.S. welcome to devRant
  • 6
    @HAlex Thanks!
    And the joke is Electron is trash as well.
    And I feel the same about most of the cross platform Node.js frameworks. But I'm gonna pretend I didn't say that, cause "Fanboys" xD
  • 4
    @mirazmac agreed with the image 😂😂👍
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    @mirazmac why most people hate electron?!
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    @HAlex Behold! The flash for the desktop is taking over! 😂😂😂
    And its not funny either 😐😐
  • 3
    @Amiin I think that every node_module is a shit itself, not because it's bad coded but because the whole thing is heavy as fuck, hard to manage manually (you must use commands or you'll have some headache)
  • 5
    @Amiin I don't know about others. But I hate it cause it's a memory hog, executable packages are over-sized and I don't want to run several chrome instances in the name of cross platform software. Also If I have to run everything within a browser I'd prefer web-apps ( eg. chrome apps ) or extensions.
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    @notcool No not at all. And don't take this too seriously! Its just a meme!
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    @mirazmac got it. i also working with android studio and i see that how eat memory
    i hate this type of IDEs
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    You mean electron is the only valid answer ?
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  • 3
    You could just swap out electron for node_modules and it would be still accurate.
  • 2
    Trash like every node module that exists
  • 1
    What's wrong with the choices? They all look like garbage to me 😂
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    @A4Abhiraj Nope I meant all the options are garbage, so it's difficult to choose.
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    @Superviral Same 😂😂
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    Please select the answer that is the *MOST* garbage
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    @Hammster missing u in this post
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    @C0D4 Or just change it out for npm tbh.
  • 0
    As long as you're not trying to mount a picture on a wall using scissors, you're fine. Use the tool that gets the job done.
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    @import-fun fear no more, hammster to the rescue :P

    The funny thin about some images is that they don't have to be true. Like this post here.

    I mean don't you think it is strange how people are bashing a framework, with no background knowledge?

    Here is a hint Electron is written in C/C++, Chromium is C/C++ you can access native code through Electron where the Web Layer manages UI states and rendering alone, this is where JS is handled on top of V8 and that again is C/C++.

    So why do most electron apps suck? Because people slap their badly developed webpages without utilizing system resources.

    And why do people think electron suck? Because there never investigate a good running app. For example Native Skype in 2017 uses more RAM then Discord, Skype also has some issues on it's own so it can take up to 500mb RAM.

    And no this is not triggered, it is just plain wrong and has no evidence whatsoever, so someone has to correct you big times ;)
  • 2
    Like devRantron would ever have been closed to finished if we didn't have the blessing known as electron lol.
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    @Hammster You enlightened me! Oh Lord Savior Jesus! Wow! Electron is built with C language family! I bet nobody knows that! I agree! When I download an electron app I get a complete copy of chrome bundled with it. Which is so cool 'cause chrome is not a memory hog! No not at all, everyone will agree with it! Its so tiny and uses very little ram! Its so gentle on CPU and battery life! It isn't bloated at all! All one wants do with his machine is running dozens of chrome instances. From today I'm gonna throw out every native app from my machine. Thanks for enlightening me, you opened my eyes. All hail electron!
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    @mirazmac don't do drugs.
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    Electronic can't be trash though because vs code. I don't even care if anyone can use it properly outside MS, but please.... Vs fucking code.
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    @dontbeevil you try to develop a full scale cross platform app without electron. Electron is a blessing. All it needs now is a shared runtime and basically all it's problems would go away.
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    @dontbeevil that's what a shared runtime fixes. 1 app alone will take up 300mb. 10 apps will take 400mb.
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    Open up visual code and tell me how much ram it uses. My apps in avarage take also under 40 mb ram... @dontbeevil

    Also the shared memory will not be possible in the way you imagine it since electron is bound to certain Chromium version. Until Chromium does not change its archtecture to modules, which is slowly happening there is no way to optimize this and even if optimized this will only take less diskspace but not much less ram.
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