
I’m getting good at cooking. The fucking marvel that salt does when I leave salted chicken for a few hours or overnight is something else.
It feels that this already made anything I make around 50% tastier. The hard part is keeping it to a very low minimum to have a reasonable amount of sodium. The other day I had some thin chicken breast slices that were left salted for a few hours, then I cooked them in unsalted butter with a modest amount of pepper and herbs.

And I’ve just read a few pages of the damn book, I’m so excited for the rest.

  • 3
    I'm cooking now daily too after years not. Feels good and cheap. Mainly I just put pasta in pan, set timer on 11 minutes and code / watch TV in main time
  • 2
    Just drink more water you'll be alright.
  • 1
    @jestdotty I seem to have low pressure too, due to exercise. So I should have more leeway here but I’m still experimenting.
    I’m reading about fats next.
  • 3
    OP wait till you try hummus. It's username defining
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus needs plenty of salt though
  • 0
    > I’m getting good at cooking.

    > The fucking marvel that salt does

    statement 2 invalidates statement 1. "adding salt to stuff" is to cooking what "falling off a kids tricycle" is to driving.

    by the way, in most hearty dishes, you can easily substitute a large amount of salt with smoked paprika.
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    @tosensei I think you’re taking my statement to mean “just use salt” or “use more salt”, which is not really what I mean or I’ve been experimenting with. Unless smoked paprika has the same chemical reaction and I’m unaware of it.
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    @ars1 nope, i took your statement as "you learned the basics of using salt properly".
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    Shades of "everything I love is killing me."

    Add some asian recipes to your cook book.

    You won't fucking regret it.
  • 2
    I also like to cook chicken by placing it on a carpet of salt in the oven) I was already hungry. Salt is the new sugar.
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    @MaxSens "salt is the new sugar"

    unfortunately you're right.
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