
Programmers are freaks with three limbs and square heads. During your fiery conference speech, as the crowd laughs, one filth, who is your manager, tells another filth, who is someone else’s manager: “Look, this is my mule. Can code many hours. Don’t has to pay many moneys. My mule is more good than your mule. In Bangalore, they ask very many moneys for this mule.”
And you know damn well that when in Bangalore they ask less, you’re gone in a flick of a pen. Your company sent you to give this talk. Meetup? No, just a freak show for mules. Is it a dick measuring contest for investors? No, not at all. As you speak, this filth is fucking his secretary in Aruba while his wife is dying of cancer in Miami. And the supreme filth, the one that has no eyes and no mouth? It grins. Go mule, spaces versus tabs. Vim versus Emacs. Linux versus macOS. Divide and conquer.

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    You can configure about vim whatever you want, it doesn't match the auto completion of vscode. I'm tired from people promoting vim as IDE. THEY are probably the ones that don't know vscode very well. While i'm quite good at vim and feel like ultimate hacker in vim... It's just not an IDE.

    I'm not gonna spend any second on freaking emacs after the vim stuff. Probably same stuff
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