
Back on Android after 3 and a half miserable years on iPhone. I haven't cursed this thing once primarily because the typing experience is immediately far far far far more pleasant.

Oh, and if you do decide to switch, which I recommend, be ready not to receive texts from iPhone users for about 24 hours after you perform the deregistration ceremony. That is a level of evil I wasn't expecting and truly should be illegal.

  • 4
    The typing experience gets really great using Microsoft SwiftKey. It will learn your vocubalary (however you write it. The irony). Also it allows two languages enabled at the same time. Only 60% of things I type is actually correct. It's so good in guessing that i don't even spend effort to type a decent word. Also, you don't have to doubt if they have your data anymore. Now you know for sure!

    My swiftkey prevented me to press 146.747 keys. Completed 41.255. I flowed like 21,47 meters whatever that I means. I'm sure that I swiped a few KM by now :P Must be smth else
  • 1
    @retoor and at the end of the day it will be sent of to microsoft for calculating your social credit
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 else you don't get social credit at all. I'm doing the awesome things with my social credit. But what, is a secret kept by people with high credit scores
  • 0
    Really? I have a Samsung s22 and an iPhone 7p (yes, 7p) and prefer the iPhone by a small margin. The Samsung has a nicer camera for shooting when it's dark but it's also slower at taking photos. * shrug *
  • 0
    @bosslogic The iPhone is useless as a communications device, which is a huge liability when you need to communicate as much as I do for work.
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