
I swear search has been bastardized just so you have to go ask AI questions

remember in the 90s when everyone thought access to knowledge at your fingertips would lead to world peace. now the Internet gets scrubbed to sell you another knockoff Roomba you don't want

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    Putin doesn't use internet. Anyway, how's your roomba?

    I can see AI maybe become the default for searching. I almost use it instead of Google
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    We check Google only first page or so. AI is like searching the equivalent of ten pages maybe. Interesting, in Google you could measure popularity of your requested information by position a bit but AI doesn't have such thing giving you the idea it's a common question.

    But regarding side effects from polio vaccine, ever seen the information that comes with paracetamol regarding side effects? All is possible but get none of them afaik. Long time ago, I don't use dem paracetamol anymore. Doesn't work imho
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    @retoor oh when I got sick with this and went to the hospital the nurse always asks if I take any drugs and I say I take aspirin for period cramps. this time the nurse got aggressive on me and said aspirin is banned and I should take Tylenol (which is paracetamol)

    I have NEVER liked Tylenol. it makes me feel weird. my whole body gets numb and I end up feeling more apathetic than usual. dudes kept buying me PMS stuff cuz I'm a woman and it's always damned Tylenol

    but yeah Tylenol will give you liver damage. why take that. just don't. especially with modern era of drinking, and other drugs, which are processed by the liver

    these people are nuts. they recently said you should only drink 1 beer a week and that's the only safe amount compared to the 4 a day which everybody agreed on here previously. gotta wonder if that has to do with them pushing Tylenol and other liver-processed drugs on the population at such a high rate. the nurse lied btw, aspirin isn't banned. crazy people.
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    also not polio vaccine

    so polio is a virus that lives in the gut. back when USA was spraying pesticides on crops there were lots of polio outbreaks. a dude wrote a book about it which is how I ended up down this rabbit hole. evidently the pesticides ruined the gut barrier of people and the virus that lived in their gut entered their bloodstream and had a penchant for setting up shop in the nerves, and this is what caused all the polio. polio has been a virus known for hundreds of years but it was rarely harmful because people have functioning gut barriers that keep that stuff out, you would just maybe get indigestion

    in babies the virus had easier access to the motor neurons so babies didn't feel pain but couldn't move. in adults the virus was closer to the sensation neurons so people got burning, tingles, pain, or numbness which is what I have

    all neuron issues result in scarring (ei multiple sclerosis), cognitive issues, fatigue
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    no, it has just been pumped full of page ranking, relevancy algorithms and featured content. "search engines" haven't been about search for a long time, but about advertisements.

    the outcome would not have changed - at all - in a world without AI.
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    > now the Internet gets scrubbed to sell you another knockoff Roomba you don't want

    I want a roomba so I can attach a knife to it and play the most exciting game of tag ever invented, all over my kitchen carpet.

    Live dangerously.

    1. Build robots that stab things.

    2. Have carpet in your kitchen.
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    @Wisecrack robowars was such a cool TV program
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    @retoor it was, it was. Haven't seen it in ages.

    Incidentally I thought it was called robot wars, unless I'm thinking of something different.
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    @Wisecrack I'm also not 100% sure on the name. But homemade robots that bash eachother indeed. With flamethrowers / big pneumatic hammers / bladesaws. It's on YT with very bad quality
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