
This project is just a complete clusterfuck... But nvm. We had to integrate a third party service pushing data into our system. Btw the service wasnt even working correctly. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Its friday around lunch time. Message appears "what is the status of the integration?" Yeah havent started working on it. Last info was service is not stable. I doubt that this will be done this week. Next message from PO: "We will all push hard to get this done today and deploy to prod." Why? Because this dumbasses said to the customer this will be deployed eod. And by we you mean the devs once again doing overtime. Has this shit stopped? No. Like for the last two weeks its like we promised the customer xyz to be deployed tomorrow. Not a single dev was asked how long it takes to add this

  • 1
    Today i had enough and send a message it was the last time i deploy anything late afternoon, while the people who decided that just peace off and go home
  • 4
    A request is made for buggy shit. Then deliver buggy shit.
  • 1
    Pushing on fridays is always a bad idea. Whoever decided to push on friday should oversee the push themself to make sure it works and not delegate to other people!
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