Let me introduce you to my classmate. And these are her first GitHub repo's commits:

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  • 11
    Hey nice to know you Ms. Asdf Ad
  • 40
    Just wait until the day she desperately needs to find something again, then grab the popcorn
  • 12
    When ur life is boring, so u commit like this and create mess to make ur life interesting

    I like that style BTW
  • 5
    These monsters 😰😰. Stay away from her 😝
  • 5
    Stab her
  • 8
    @Gradle this is lot better than not committing at all 😉
  • 2
    I seriously by instinct was "Down voting " this rant the second I saw the image
  • 11
    Give her time. Still remember my first programming class back in high school. We had learned about variables, and I thought it was SO FUNNY and RANDOM to name them things like "spoon" and "hippo" etc etc. Then when it came time to debug, or refractor... it was very educational.
  • 2
    'initial commit' only because she copied and pasted the repo creation instructions.
  • 1
    Did you tell her about forking a repo.
  • 7
    You could have censored the user ID in the screenshot...
  • 2
    Everybody needs to start somewhere
  • 2
    We've all done this at one point of our careers
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    Magyarok a devranton ++
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    @bahua ?

    That is put there when you create a repo online and initalize it with a README.md or license.

    All of my repo's start like that.
  • 1

    Yes. And here it's an illustration that the only readable commit this developer has posted was only readable because she copied and pasted.
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    Why are you saying "copied and pasted"?
  • 0

    Because when you create a repo with the git web interface, it gives you a set of instructions to copy and paste.
  • 1

    Never did that, and it still does initializes it with that name.
  • 1
    Slap the shit out of them!
  • 1
    Tech them how to use their tools correctly please
  • 1
    @Gradle I can totally realte with this right now. Just taught my classmates about Git and GitHub. Their github looked exactly similar to the picture. XD
  • 2
    @Gradle someone add some branch protection on that repo
  • 2
    The 2000 generation
  • 0
    She will learn, none is born programmer and learning from mistake is the best lesson. Also, I can't see branch, if this is not master then it doesn't matter, just squash before merging (or rebase properly), as someone said before, better to comment oftent than not.
  • 4
    Everyone starts somewhere. I was making repos before I knew what a commit was. I have some very oddly named repos that I leave in my GitHub because I like the reminder of how far I've come in three short years. It's progress!
  • 1
    No! This hurts my eyes
  • 0
    Relax she just hashed the commit message.

    No biggie 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  • 0
    Hahaha “1”
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