As usual, I woke up at 6, got ready and did all my usual stuff.

Then at 6:15 I was beautifying my Python script because the code was unattractive.

I swear it took 5 minutes! No more than five minutes, but when I checked the time it was 7:10! Why must this happen all the time?

It's just like when I'm sleeping. I'll wake up, close my eyes for two seconds, and then it's magically been an hour.

  • 34
    Time varies speed by person. NEVER LISTEN TO PEOPLE THAT SAY TIME IS A CONSTANT!!!
  • 22
    I took a "15 minute nap" before waking up the other day. Missed my class completely.
  • 12
    Maybe you were programming on a laptop in a transportation system that enabled you to move 10^9 times faster than light while your clock was waiting outside...
  • 13
    Woke up at 6, ready at 6:15.

  • 4
    That's the time for dressing + brushing teeth + fixing bed + spending some time studying.
  • 10
    @Michelle see? Something is missing. Breakfast! You need to have breakfast before coding.
  • 3
    I don't really care about breakfast haha.
  • 8
    @ThatDude @Michelle if I don't eat at least an apple or something within three hours after getting up, I'll most likely faint :/
  • 4
    @linuxxx @ThatDude you mean 5 min after waking up
  • 5
    @ThatDude @linuxxx
    I don't like to eat breakfast. Everyone usually gets annoyed when I do that, but I don't see the problem. It doesn't affect me. I can go the entire day without eating. I might feel a bit weak, but that's all.
  • 5
    Code smells unhealthy habits. Just like when you skip a night's sleep to fix a bug without success.

    Stay healthy kids, eat breakfast aka most important meal of the day.
  • 2
    I haven't passed out or anything, and I've been skipping breakfast since I was 13, so I think I'm fine.
  • 4
    GREAT SCOTT!! Marty, you broke the time-space continuum while reformatting your code!
  • 1
    I guess so..
  • 3
    @linuxxx I don't faint, but I'm pretty much a zombie until I eat something.
  • 3
    @Michelle this happens to me all the time. I get back from lunch, start coding, and when I look at the time, it's two hours later.
    The worst part is that I feel like I haven't done much...
  • 2
    Yes, that's also how I feel about it.
  • 2
    I’m hurt by the fact you wake up at 6pm. I’m a 10pm person. Remote work is so gooooood!
  • 3
    6 am (in the morning)! Not pm. That would be too long to sleep.
    I have school, so I have to wake up at 6 am.
  • 2
    I experience this shit all the time too... it gets amplified with your age too... I can loose half a day on a i3wm config tweak if I’m not careful lol
  • 3
    Yeah I have the same. I open a text editor and a few minutes later it's 2 am...
  • 1
    @Michelle I lean’t am of course! Sorry :)
  • 2
    They sell these bags of yoghurt at the supermarket, I buy lots of them, and before I go out the door, I suck on the nibble to get some white creamy yoghurt out of it.

    I’ve found out I’m loosing weight easier when I eat breakfast, and my mood stays happy during the whole day.
  • 2
    while (person.ishungry)
    //Simple as that
  • 2
    @michelle devrant needs you, please eat your breakfast :)
  • 3
    No need to worry. Skipping one meal won't kill me. I'll still alive, and able to use devRant. :))
  • 1
    @electrineer one problem is that feeling hungry and thirsty are similar and most people don't even realize that they're often just dehydrated when we feel hungry... That and when we do eat we eat until were full usually, but as food breaks down it expands in our gut, so if you eat fast you will always overeat if you eat til full. I think if you refactor with these points in mind you'll have a pattern I would put on my wetware ;)
  • 1
    @agaskins but my person only eats while person.ishungry, not while !person.isfull ;)
  • 1
    @electrineer but if person() doesn't have some code to rate limit input then it cannot accurately determine 'full' levels. Also person() must have a subroutine to differentiate between hungar and dehydration, since mild dehydration can feel like hungar. I suppose you could use last_input.time(food) and last_input.time(hydro) to deduce that...
  • 1
    @donnico more like 24h 15min
  • 1
    You and me both sister
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