
Minor review for making life a bit easier:

There's a nice app to manage your bash history to upgrade your useless ctrl+r in terminal. It's called atuin. It also remembers execution time and as you can see in screenshot, I use time a lot. It can also give you statistics on most used apps. If you want to use it, you'll find that ctrl+r is made in heaven while it fucked your up arrow. You can disable this with a flag.

See the movie on how it works at: https://atuin.sh/

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    I just have zshvim. It have the whole history as a vim buffer so i can just look up shit
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    Nice! Fzf for me, thanks
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    @antigermgerm that's nice, but can you select a line and directly execute too?
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    @retoor looks nice, but I find that 'x timeunits ago' format rather annoying, esp when it's everywhere...

    I prefer bash's built-ins (taken from my ~/.bashrc):


    export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %T "

    export IGNOREEOF=2

    export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "↑$(date +%H:%M:%S) [${PIPESTATUS[@]}]\n"'


    Still working on the 'duration' part
  • 1
    To be fair I found it to be a great blessing using the standard ctrl R.
    But thanks I’ll check it out
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    @netikras nice. Even worse, the duration is live, so it updates every second. 1s ago, 2s ago etc. Who makes smth like that live 😂
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    If cwerg was a word in Polish it would sound like the German word for dwarf.

    Does it involve dwarves in any way?

    I can't be doing with it if there are no dwarves.
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    @retoor of course.

    I just do

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    I guess timestamps are possible too?
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    I wonder why everyone is going crazy with this thing, it seems like a bloated version of the default search
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    @Tounai if you mean recently, it was part of an episode of a popular linux yt channel. Reason that people go crazy is because ctrl+r was very limited, if you did several times "cp <filename>" it wouldn't search further than last match until you type along. It still works like that but narrows it down to a list.
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    Wtf, someone even downvoted
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    @retoor just press CTRL+R until you have the command you are looking for 😂
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    @retoor I didn’t you are on my no downvote list
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    @Tounai aww! But not on your upvote list either :P
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    @retoor what devrant skin are you farming?
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    @Tounai I made ctrl+p today. It will navigate to every project directory what i'm working on at the moment and executes "code .". So, now I have client, server and protocol project open at once. Should've make this earlier. All the time i've spent cd'ing to all those directories
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    @Tounai I just use light mode. Or isn't that what you meant?
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    @retoor I mean the clothes of your avatar that require krama to get
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    @Tounai it's 1.500 points :D Ah i see, you also have 5.000 to 7.000 but this one is realiistic. I did match my avatar at a certain company. Now it's more smart casual
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    So no one does the Rincewind...?

    bindkey "^P" history-beginning-search-backward

    bindkey "^N" history-beginning-search-forward
  • 1
    Oh fuck your name is rooter backwards
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    @AlgoRythm You're the second one noticing. The other one was chaosesqueeteam. Rooter was already taken and decided that retoor is a kinda normal word and uniquer anyway
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    @retoor LOL, I knew it's rooter, I never noticed it's backwards.
  • 2
    @cprn oh really? Says how techii you are. I'm a rooter by profession and retoor by name
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