
tmux, Neovim, and Alacritty (term emu) with VT323 font... on Windows via WSL. When you can't decide between OS's, just choose both!

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    tmux is cool but i made my own terminal multiplexer. Do you use tabs in Neovim or do you just switch between tmux panels?

    Any handy .vimrc things you want to share? If you want, i have a few (for tab management, opening terminal with half of screen size that starts in bottom, shortcut to switch between header and source file for c)
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    @retoor I’m just starting to try out all these new tools (I’ve been a vscode pleb all my professional life) so I’ve started simple. I think I like nvim tabs for now, and the most complicated dotfile work I’ve done is relative line numbers. I’m going to incrementally increase complexity as I get better with all this stuff
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    @AlgoRythm I like vim and it's my 3rd popular (i have stats) app on my laptop. I do not really consider vim an alternative to vs code.. I do quick things in vim and big things in vs code.

    Configure YouCompleteMe for decent auto completion btw.

    Don't forget to do the vimtutor! It's important.

    Also, I have a training app made for vim learning you 60 shortcuts in record time. It's very basic, but i'm a ninja now. If you want, i post it somewhere. You need python installed for it, but linux has python3 installed by default
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    @retoor Apparently, if you can get used to the motions and keyboard-positioning of vim, you can seriously increase your (max) productivity, so I'm going to train myself to use it every now and then and if I see benefits - good. If not, no harm done.

    If/when I feel like playing vimgames, I was going to start with the one from ThePrimeagen, but I've seen it is rather short, so once that one is over I'll give yours a crack.
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    Ugh centrists
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    I seriously prefered when Microsoft was shitting on open-source.

    Now it's just ripping it off.
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    @retoor just install a lsp plugin into vim. Everything else in vscode is garbage. Lsp is the only good part
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    @antigermgerm I did, still the screen doesn't seem updated enough or so. Why does everyone take effort to be a ninja in vim but not in vscode? Why would vim be better than vscode if you know shortcuts for both? Resizing panels in vim sucks, scrolling in vim terminal sucks. Things that work great in vscode. I know more than sixty vim shortcuts btw 😌
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    @retoor you dont need that shit if you have i3.
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    @retoor honestly, i used vim + lsp and that's all i needed.
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    @retoor you gotta keep it smol and tiny like a german pp
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    I used tmux instead of a window manager when i still was a full time vim user
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    +1 for tmux.

    Still can't get into neovim, there's just too much to learn.
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    @lungdart did you try the vimtutor? Everyone wants to become a vim ninja. But why? Vim doesn't have (by default) a shared copy / paste history so you can't select a bunch of code in vim. See other vim downsides in my comments above
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