
Best quotes from IT teacher:

- "C# is a language to program your IDE."
- "C# is a language for beginners, and is not really used in production."
- "We won't use Python to learn programming, because Python is a very old, slow and useless language, and is not really used anymore."
- "Yeah, your algorithm is fantastic, but you wrote 'The answer is: ' instead of 'Answer: ', so it's just a B."
- One of my classmates was bored and opened Notepad++, and when the teacher saw it, she said "I have been teaching programming for years, but I've never seen this program, what do you use it for?"

I feel so lucky that I have started learning programming years before at home, I just couldn't start if I had to learn this way.

  • 109
    I pray for your classmates' souls. Python not a useful language!!!! Blasphemy!!!! C# not used in production!!!! Sacrilege!!!!
  • 28
    well… umm… 😬

    at least she doesn't sound mean
  • 54
    @calmyourtities agreed. She just sounds stupid.
  • 7
    @whatevel 😂😂😂😂😂
  • 16
    At least she’s not coding real world programs now, that’s a relief to mankind.
  • 4
    @Nanos well IT is much more than just coding..
  • 2
    she needs to get with the times
  • 3
    @Nanos HolyFuck o.O
    With us it's normal to have separate courses for programming, network etc... So 'clasic IT course' just goes over the basics, getting to knkw your computer & such..
  • 2
    @Nanos hm..ok, course at what age? I am thinking we might be talking about different stages of education..
  • 1
    @vibsel I wish it was 😂 😂
  • 8
    I can imagine devs not knowing Notepad++.

    First of all you'd have to use windows as a development operating system, and even on windows there are plenty of viable alternatives (Atom, Vim, Brackets, VSCode, Sublime, Geany, etc).

    I think making sweeping statements about programming languages is dangerous though... I thought I was pretty well informed about the local job market, until I started looking for a new job a few weeks ago. So many fucking Delphi jobs everywhere. I thought that language went extinct ages ago.
  • 5
    a little piece of me died after reading this rant
  • 5
    How is it possible, that those people are teaching IT classes or programming languages?
    Do they ever listen to themselves or read the news about IT things?

    Maybe its just because of it, that its just a 8h job for them and thats it for the day. No more IT rest of the day..
  • 3
    That's exactly how it works for them...
    This teacher had another type of job before, and she reeducated herself to become a teacher. (Just teacher, nothing IT). The only reason for this was that being a teacher pays kinda well, and she worked with his tech savvy son in a tech shop for like a month.
    Luckily the most important IT lessons are taught by other teachers (I have like 8 types of IT lessons currently), but this is just disappointing.
  • 1
    Just look at teachers' salaries. Can you blame anyone with an ounce of technical skill for going into industry instead?
  • 5
    Every good programmer is self taught.
  • 0
    @marci010101 i expected that..
  • 2
    At first I thought she was being sarcastic
  • 4
    Had a former art and music teacher as first guy to teach "web stuff" like html, css and js.

    Scool went like that: he came 5-10 in late. Opened a tutorial on the beamer and told us to copy the url.

    Walked around helping people to "fix" issues. Fix = staring at the error console/css, telling you, you made an error and to campare it with the tutorial code, if the error still persisged, he either told you to start from scratch or blamed it on windows, as mac was far superiour.

    Ha... Good old times. His qualifications: he know the principal and he created a bunch of websites using a WYSIWYG editor... Good times.
    A classmate and I ended up "teaching" he did JS, I PHP, HTML and CSS. When we finished (usually about 10-20 min in), we walked around in class and helped others.
  • 0
    @ThaOneDude didn't get the meaning of those two words
  • 0
    Academy 101
  • 0
    How old is that teacher?

    “Can you abort at “insert age in months here.”
  • 0
    I work as a school IT person, one of the computer teachers uses visual basic to teach people programming, the craps so old I got compatibility warnings on windows 7 installing it
  • 0
    I can relate so much to the "Answer: " thing hahaha
  • 0
    Did your teacher escape from a psychiatric facility ? I think you should be worried 😂 Jokes aside, I have a same kind of teacher at my uni
  • 0
    This sounds fake.
  • 0
    F# will rule the world!
  • 1
    The "Answer:" thing is a debatable subject but... you can take it either way, i agree with you that lower grade without letting you fix the mistake is a bad decision thou.
    But... if you cant follow simple rules/requirements, how can you expect the teacher/client to be happy? if the exercise specification wanted you to specifically write "Answer:" and you wrote "The answer is ", then you did not carry out the specifications as written. Might sound simple but may cost you quite alot later on if a client is very critical about what you write.
  • 1
    Show this to her: https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/

    Python and C# are the 4th and 5th most popular languages according to the tiobe index.
  • 1
    Tell your teacher they aren't qualified to teach the subject matter. I see python, c#, perl, and VB everywhere.
  • 0
    Everyone one of those quotes makes me mad as hell lol. Especially the Python one. Like wtf Python is badass.
  • 1
    Can we fire these people?
  • 0
    Ya python sux lol no ;'s???? C'mon now lmao
  • 2
    any chance we have the same teacher? because this is so typical for him.
  • 0
    A good teacher, like a good entertainer first must hold his audience's attention, then he can teach his lesson. - John Henrik Clarke

    One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen. - Philip Wylie

    A good teacher who can take the zero pay and help kids develop physically, emotionally, socially, is literally an angel. - Eva Amurri
  • 0
    Thanks for this program learned a lot and easy way to understand this language, https://shellshockerspace.com
  • 0
    Hello, thanks a lot
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