
When the green bar fills up... isn't that supposed to mean "complete"?

Why even have a progress bar if it's not tied to actual progress?


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    for(int i=0;i<100;I++){
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    propably the progress bar indicates actual download state, (to RAM), but when it writes from RAM to drive, its not reflected in progress bar and it can appear "stuck" at 100%.
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    Where is that progress bar from? Which application?
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    @Xevion Visual Studio 2015
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    I know it's not the cause of the problem here, but it really grinds my gears when people complain about an OS when they're not even using the latest version ugh sorry
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    @derTuca K. I'll be sure to pass your complaint along to my boss.
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    @liberaldog Sorry mate, but that's either an infinite loop or a compile error.
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    @MLK79 My phone capitalized the third i and yes I didn't initialize progress but the point still stands
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    @liberaldog Oh dear, you've killed us all.
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    Schrodinger's Download.
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    @host I think I'd like you more if you were local.
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    @MLK79 He's everything I wish I was
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    I was wondering if anyone was going to nab @rant. And there you are!
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    @kevbost of course I did.
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    @MLK79 plz explain its late and my brain is off
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    @liberaldog Anyways. I've been avoiding pokemon but I was sent this python script that croudsources pokemon locations via coordinate boxes. That's why I'm still awake.
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    @liberaldog You didn't initialise the variable progress. That's world ending stuff.
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    @MLK79 Oh I thought I did something dumb af and didn't notice it. I was prepared to be embarrassed in case it was
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    @liberaldog You're good, don't worry about it. It's not like you caused a space craft to blow up in orbit or anything.
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    @kevbost Mate, you have encountered what philosophers called a Zeno Paradox
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