sooo...any plans this Valentine's ?

  • 8
    Yes, planning to rob a bank and after that going to casino to spend all. Jk. Sit and drink is the plan.
  • 4
    @rookiemaverick well...I'm gonna do what every dev does. Get home, order food and binge watch something
  • 0
    @Nanos where I'm from, Valentine's starts in a hour 😁
  • 0
    @Nanos May the odds be ever in your favor on the dating site😋
  • 2
    Currently pretending Valentine’s Day is fake. It’s sad thinking about it.
  • 0
    @1989 Is it NSFW? :)) or are you coding?
  • 1
    @grosten honestly, my nation doesn't even have Valentine's day. It's just something we borrowed from the american culture.
  • 1
    @Nanos unless your "island" is Australia (joking)...i suggest you move to a more dating friendly country
  • 2
    @1989 I never understood the deal with Pluto. Is it a planet? Is it a dog?
  • 0
    @Nanos nooo, I don't think that's how it works. you just need more options. there's better odds when there are more people on the dating sites. There's bound to be at least one the you can have a funny conversation with😁
  • 1
    @1989 and now, for a real shower thought: Pluto was dog and it was Goofy's dog, which was also a dog. Just let that sink in
  • 0
    @1989 come on, I'm sure you're wrong😁 there's somebody for everybody out there
  • 0
    @Nanos you have a real issue regarding money. not everybody values your money. if you've only met people that do that, you've met the wrong people.
  • 1
    Hardcore crazy sex. And lots of it.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 like...alone?
  • 2
    I will be preparIng myself for my math exam.
    Not so fun, if you ask me.
    Differential calculation. If that's even a proper term in English haha
  • 1
    Beer, good expensive one
  • 1
    @karnivol have one extra for me😁
  • 1
    @gitpull you can do it! what's a better way to spend Valentine's than doing some differentials??
  • 1
    @aalleexxaa hahahaahhahahaha ofc there's nothing better than Fucking blowing my head off xD

    Oh and thanks buddeh
  • 0
    Lol. You have 1 ++ and 33 comments.

    Thats a bit funny.

    Happy valentines :)
  • 0
    @aalleexxaa nope, married :*
  • 0
    Yeah I'd approach one girl I kinda like but then, I'm shy as a **** so that's not going to happen.
  • 0
    Erh... Sure I do, lectures 😐
    And properly some YouTube when I get home.
  • 0
    As per usual tradition going to the pictures with the rest of the singles I know.
  • 2
    I'm in Auckland, New Zealand, girlfriend is in Cape Town, South Africa.

    I'm going to call her tonight (her valentine's morning) and tell her I love her, then continue drinking.
  • 0
    Root canal!

    So I got my wife a card and flowers today instead.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 damn you, you lucky bastard! you have got to teach us how to do that( find someone,I mean)
  • 0
    @1989 me? I am definitely not a bot. I really enjoy the human behaviours such as breathing and eating.
  • 0
    @SoulSkrix I see het on my bus every day, only partially said something once, don't know her name :(
  • 0
    My plan is: Coding as much as I can.
  • 1
    @Silke and I are going to ignore the hell out of it
  • 0
    @aalleexxaa as promised the second one is for you, cheers... Also you might not find this one expensive but if you consider I can get half a litre for 40 euro cents and this one is 1 euro for 0.33 litre it's a hit for a poor student
  • 1
    @karnivol ha haaa!!awesome, dude! made me smile, thanks😁 i'm now having cocoa and watching 'That 70's show'...go Valentine's!
  • 0
    @aalleexxaa haha sounds nice too :) I ate virtually nothing today so I am very thankful for visual studio's autocomplete functionality after these dark beers :D
  • 1
    @epse yeah haha maybe 😂❤️❤️❤️
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