1. No more coding on paper! Why can some already write essays on laptops but programmers are stuck with "analog"?
2. No vendor lock-ins! Teach free, cross-platform development, not VB.NET.
3. No more professors stuck in the eighties! If all you know is 6800 assembly, GTFO. I heard NASA was hiring...
4. Enforce code style consistency, proper documentation and even VCS for larger projects
5. Algorithms -> scripting -> programming. Don't quickly explain the basics, then throw students straight into Java.

  • 2
    So much rage in this one. I feel ya.
  • 1
    I completely agree, but many universities are just unable to keep up with such a fast paced industry.

    Many times they aim for "basics" and hope the student knows how to self study.
  • 3
    #1 My experience, I squibble a lot of ideas on paper, here and there. It isn't possible on most of the devices and would need a separate digital notepad and the cost would be enormous( no long run, since current tech doesn't offer the writing experience no matter what Samsung says about Note).

    Also sometimes helps a bit to see something other than a screen
  • 0
    @Heartizack it's great when they do teach the basics, but my experience was a bit different. They were using things that were so old, that it took forever to get to the basics (like MC6803 emulators inside DOSBox inside Win7).
    I get that they can't keep up with every JS framework, but some of the older things are so much more complicated, that they delay and obscure the basics even more.
  • 1
    @adsbhatial for note-taking, I agree, paper all the way! I have a small notebook almost full of code and diagrams.
    But when it comes time to write a program, start to finish, I do not want to be drawing arrows all over my test just to add that one declaration that I forgot to write a few lines above.
  • 1
    They should at the very least teach about model-view-controllers and single-page-applications or any framework for that matter
  • 2
    @franga2000 Well we never wrote any code on paper for a test, Always a pseudocode on paper. Needed to run the program on a machine. I guess I had a good CS dept.
  • 0
    Can't agree on 1. point.. programming on paper teaches you that first you must know what your objectives are and how to attain them.. Then code.
    Intellisense or whatever it's called won't teach you that. Most juniors I know have a lack of that and start to code right away..then in the middle they (sometimes) realise that this approach was not appropriate & I have to clean up shit.. not saying my coding is perfect, but at least I think about what needs to be done before doing it..
  • 1
    @sladuled I do agree that you should think things through first. But not having the option to insert lines is a problem if you're using the multi-pass approach that I use (and teach all beginners to use): first write the outline in comments, then write the skeleton using non-existing methods, then write those methods, then exception handling and everything else.
  • 0
    @franga2000 Yeah, I didn't read your comments before commenting myself.. think before you act...read before you reply..goddamnit 😂😂😇
    But yes, how you explained it, it makes sense. I just love writing on paper..(maybe) I'm weird.. 😇
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