
What someone says or thinks about you says nothing about you. What YOU yourself say or think about yourself says nothing about you.
A man is a sum of their actions, nothing more and nothing less. Consequences of those actions will be here and affect the world long after you're dead and buried.
So, if someone disrespects you in the comment section, it doesn't mean you deserve/attract disrespect. Same goes for your workplace.

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    According to you. Not agree at all.

    Happy new year btw.
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    @retoor happy new year to you too!

    What I say _about you_ says nothing about _you_. But when I say that Tailwind sucks, it does say something about Tailwind lol
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    What you think about you says something about your anxiety and confidence tho
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    @atheist I don’t think I agree. As a bipolar patient that lives with a MDD patient, I know how not just thoughts but the whole worldview can change drastically when the medication changes. When you’re adjusting your SSRI dosage, you _will_ be contemplating suicide. Every single person thinks that, there are no exceptions I know of, and I know quite a few people who take them. Those thoughts will vanish completely once the target dosage is reached. This is why you monitor a person very closely when they change their medication scheme
    Suicide is a serious topic both psychologically and philosophically, but this instance of contemplating it says nothing about the thinker as a person.
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    @kiki as bopilar you probably know how it feels to care about everything people say about you to literally not caring about that at all. The moment that you really don't care anymore, your behavior becomes slightly different and people adapt their behavior to you like magic. People who say that they don't care what to there think; liars, it's a weird condition.

    @kiki / @atheist do you guys believe in feromons? I do 100%.
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    @kiki I don't think our traits are immutable, we're chemical computers that take drugs to load different software (what taking ADHD meds feels like sometimes).
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    @atheist to me it feels like circuit bending sometimes lol

    yeah, we aren't immutable, but still, the only thing that matters is the sum of our actions. That's the only thing that says something about us once we're dead. Do you know why we don't say “before the big bang”? It's not because the time itself only appeared during the big bang, so saying “before” and “big bang” is like dividing by zero. Far from it! We don't say before the big bang because the singularity from which everything originated did erase what was before. You couldn't have deduced anything by observing that tiny jam-packed singularity.
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    think it's more nuanced than that

    otherwise the reflex to self-blame wouldn't be in the human species, after all
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    when someone tells you what they think about you or disrespects you they're telling you what they care about

    you can care about the same thing or decide it's not for you

    you don't have to agree with them, and with some people you might respect them enough to where you want to subsume some of their values, so you will care about their comments. or hell, I spent a lot of time just exploring what things people valued because I'm curious like that. I think it's nice that people find so many things to value. it brings them joy and pride and etc, so it's like traveling to exotic lands where you get to eat the local food kind of vibe

    in the serious realm, the trick is to know who you like and if you like and view them with respect for good reasons (awe, looking up to them) or not (like fear, desperation). or in the case of me I just like trying things but I'm not necessarily serious about it. it's chill. I just experiment to see if I want that food regularly in the future
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