I thought stepping into the Computer Science industry would be to create beautiful software with my passionate talents. All I've seen is: fix and maintain broken (badly designed)(legacy) shit. Yes, that's more of a backup role.

A good role is where you at least get to create a project from scratch that you own yourself.


  • 1
    Always worked for me:
    - make a poc of smth useful for the company that you also like to do yourself. I ended a few times up doing my own project during work. So with a few hours private time I got many good ones during work time. Made life easy.
    - second, is ticket management, make scopes and just cancel the ones you'll won't fix because of at reason like customer already exit, software too much refactored to still consider ticket valid, things that only happened once is just not interesting unless financial.
    - introduce new ticket system and let the previous one die. I actually really did this. Added new sentry server and just deleted previous one when people got used to new one, nobody cared or noticed. Millions of exceptions to /dev/null (was for a kinda aws like cloud provider).

    BTW, you should literally say what you said here to your boss and ask a day or two in the week for work you prefer. That isn't weird at all. It's give and take.
  • 2
    I LOVE solo development and starting from scratch. Only thing what I like less is that there's no review. Now I automated review process with AI and it's in many cases better than human, and I have coverage but it's not the same. AI does have a lot of false positives tho. It's says "you never free that buffer variable". No f-er, that's the return var and that function frees it. Miracle what kinda sick things it often can follow and doesn't.
  • 5
    Either you fix bad code or you write it
  • 0
    @electrineer wow, that's an amazing statement.
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