I recently got an Asus K53S for free, without HDD/SSD.
Im looking to purchase a cheap but kinda reliable and fast SSD, at 64GB or more. Money is an issue, and the laptop is just for pure fun, so id rather get bad quality and save some cash, rather than spending alot.

Does anyone know where i can purchase that, or have experience with cheap/trash SSDs? Any recommendations appreciated.
If its shipped from outside EU, the price should be $12 or less, and i doubt thats possible.

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    @FrodoSwaggins also when its ssd? With all the power ons and usage
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    @FrodoSwaggins hmm, ill try and find some. Thanks :)
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    I disagree. Buying a magnetic hard drive is essentially crippling the system. 120gb ssds are cheap as fuck on Amazon.

    Stop the spinning drive insanity. @FrodoSwaggins
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    @intromatt enlighten me, i cant find any of those cheap drives. Cheapest i found is 32GB for $18, but 32 gigs is a bit too low :P
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    Well..I think cheap as being under $100...I apologize. Some folks think SSDs are still in the $500 range... @rasm945i
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    @intromatt oh, okai. I may have misjudged the price of a cheap ssd
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    Amazon UK has 120gb drives for 35UK bucks. I can't imagine a better value considering the crazy technology.

    240gb for 58 bucks...

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    @intromatt i found a used 128GB one, can probably get it for $17.
    Thanks anyway tho :)
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    That doesn't make sense to me..That's a beer and a slice of pizza at a pub in Vancouver. Make sure you run crystal disk on the drive before handing over your cash and remember that older SSD drives have a finite number of writes...so backup often or at least use a cloud service to sync your goodies. @rasm945i
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    @intromatt true. Maybe ill go for one a bit more expensive, but more reliable.
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    #handheart @rasm945i
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    I agree with everything you said until you started talking about buying a used (or even new) magnetic drive. I want them all to die.

    I also hate physical media (and people who still buy movies, games and plastic cartridges etc.) and fans....I fucking hate fans in consumer devices... but we will talk about that at a later installment. @FrodoSwaggins
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    Cool, I don't do any of this stuff. I buy music digitally because it doesn't take up space and sounds wayyyyyyyyy better than vinyl or CD, I have everything stored on the cloud or SSD drives that are inside of my computers (I must confess that my PS4 still has a spinning drive and a plastic disk drive I have never used). My mission in life is to, at least try, to never buy anything with a fan ever again (I love fanless tech... you can buy a top tier gaming system that turbos past 4Ghz that is completely solid state..today.). Saving up an extra $25 (a trivial sum, let's be honest) to buy an SSD is a freakkin no brainer (especially considering how unreliable magnetic drives are compared to the new fleet of SSDs and their INSANE performance and power consumption difference). @FrodoSwaggins
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    I'm not talking about servers, of course, I'm talking about consumer level electronics such as desktops, laptops, gaming systems etc... I'm sure you know that almost everything is going fanless now (it many cases it already has) and completely solid state....we're not quite there yet but we will be in just a few years. And that makes me happy... Very happy. I'll take a small hit on performance if I don't have to hear a whirrling hot exhaust fan any day...Might sound like a pipe dream but I really hope to never buy anything with a fan ever again. (that's why I'm waiting for V2 of the Nintendo Switch). @FrodoSwaggins
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    Yes, digital music sounds much better than your records so stop bullshitting me, I wasn't born yesterday (I'm talking about FLAC and lossless compression and obviously not low quality MP3s). Please stop...(I was a DJ and played vinyl for almost 10 years and I have studied this in great detail). @FrodoSwaggins
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    I am inserting a "facepalm" emoji here about the subject of SSDs. I would delete your post of I was you. Yikes.. @FrodoSwaggins
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    35 Pounds you can buy an SSD now, it's a tiny 120GB...but for frick sakes... Spend an extra 30 and get a Samsung.. We're talking 30 bucks, not 300...even in Eastern Europe, 30 bucks isn't that much money for something so important. @FrodoSwaggins
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    @FrodoSwaggins @intromatt no offense xD
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    When I see a CD or a video game collection on someone's shelf the only thing that comes to my mind is environmental damage and waste.

    Keeping my fingers crossed the era of buying physical media is finally coming to an end. Hoping next gen game systems are digital only. @FrodoSwaggins
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    Sorry but when it comes to buying an important bit such as your computer's hard drive you should spend the extra 40 bucks.

    Again, not 400...40, the price of a pizza and a 6 pack of beer. @FrodoSwaggins
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    Yeah, I hate magnetic drives. Loud, slow, HOT, clunky and power hungry. It's time to move on.

    Solid state EVERYTHING.

    I haven't needed anything more than a 256GB SSD in years. OneDrive placeholders and O365 subscription FTW. @FrodoSwaggins
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    I would never spend $600 on an SSD considering a good Sammy drive costs less than $150 + I think using a spinning drive as your main OS boot drive in 2018 is simply absurd. @FrodoSwaggins
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    If I had a choice to store 1PB of storage on a rack of SSDs or magnetic drives and cost was a non issue I would choose the SSD route every single time. I think most people would.

    The one and only reason people continue to use old magnetic drives is cost/gb. Period. @FrodoSwaggins
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    Are we still talking about the 30 bucks? @FrodoSwaggins
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