To all the privacy conscious people

Does anyone know your/one of your password(s)?

  • 5
    I know my password manager one and few bits and bobs there and there for school
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    I don't even know most of them myself, only my password management system does (folders + files on an encryped partion xD).
  • 3
    I dont even know my password
  • 9
    He who keeps a secret must keep it secret that he has a secret to keep.
    - Sir Humphrey Appleby

    So, no :p
  • 5
    Yes. But it’s long and complicated enough that they don’t ever remember it. I only remember it because I had to memorise it on a work assignment once and it stuck.

    I have a few variants and alternative passwords I use, but most stick around the same one and I’ve not (that I’m aware) had any issues.

    Not really sure why, but I’ve yet to trust password managers. The idea of relinquishing control of my accounts to a vault of various random passwords I have no hope of remembering fills me with dread.
  • 1
    Nope! I only know the password to my password manager and when someone needs a password I share it with them through the password manager where they can't see it.
  • 5
    Yes, but I doubt they remember.

    Fun fact: One of my usual passwords was originally the password of someone’s MMORPG account that I “hacked” in 2010. It’s a strange password to begin with, now it’s even more strange with that in mind, lol.
  • 4
    My girlfriend has passwords for all my entertainment platforms (Netflix, Steam, etc.) but I think that is about it.
  • 4
    I share my Netflix password with my family. They also know the general format of my passwords (semi-random long sentences), which isn't very helpful in guessing them.

    A boss from like 10 years ago knows one of my shorter passwords (20 chars). Oddly I still use that in a couple of places (which have since changed). I think it's time to retire that one.

    Someone from Iran managed to figure out my (insecure) Discord password; brute force vs leaked hashes, I believe? I used that in a few places, and changing them was annoying. Password reuse really is my biggest security flaw. Apart from my Android phone, at least.

    I think that's it?
  • 2
    I know my collegue pass (or One of their) but i don't reveal nono of mine
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    The NSA probably does. (Hello there NSA agents)
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    @Brolls You could try lesspass, they are a password manager wich helps you remember passwords without knowing them. It's amazing. And it works anywhere without memory.
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    Me, but IMVU.
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    Nope, just me ..not even on a pwd manager
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    Bitwarden knows my passwords. One password also appeared in a leak, so I don't use that anymore. And, everybody I share it with knows my Netflix password (mostly family).
  • 2
    Shit forgot my password!
  • 1
    Nope. They're mine and will stay mine :)
  • 3
    @linuxxx i waited for you xD

    Great comments everyone! It's really interesting to see the differences

    For myself, it's like @Xonuss - only my gf knows my common passwords and we even share one for accounts we both access
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    @theNSA How are our friends from the FBI doing these days?
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    I even don't remember my password.
  • 1
    I have 2 Standard-Passwords, which I use when I want to register somewhere quick or if it isn't important. I know these.

    For the rest I have a wonderful hand-written list, because I don't like the thought that all my password are on my computer...
  • 2
    Only one, and that's for my base in Rust. I can actually tell it you people now.

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