When you're signing up for an account on a government site not to be named in this rant and they limit your password to 6 alphanumeric characters and no special characters... Smh

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    Theres a government site here in australia thats got really bad design when it comes to accounts. My grandmother got her account permalocked because she failed to login twice, and I had to go through about 10 people on their phone system, and then wait another 3 weeks to be able to use it again. Also, this is a website that bills and such are paid in. Hardly very good.
  • 1
    Oh dang that is bad. I thought it was bad I had to sign up and wait for an email with a "special secret" to enter in order to get a secret password and when the email came it was just all the same information I entered and no special secret. Then waited for 6 hours on hold to reach the IT department...
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    This is like crying for brute force
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    Limited password fields make me a sad panda
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    @Knossos I cringed when I saw the limit.
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    there is a bank that also limits the password chars to 8. being them 5 letters and 3 numbers min. wtf? why would you limit a password field?
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    @Luciano wow exact number and pattern so secure much safe 😄
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    @Luciano I think they want to make brute force attack simpler
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