  • 12
    Struggle is real!!!
  • 5
    Still has a girlfriend or dumped her **trying to sound modest**
  • 3
    its damn true. why girlfriend for dev seems from another planet which will you never get but always dream about ?
  • 4
    Accomplishment already unlocked 😁
  • 3
    @notroot sorry noob grammar here, I mean I want to have a girlfriend 😂
  • 3
  • 2
    ++ @irene for being the only female avatar in the comments.
  • 5
    @JohnScott he's a guy 😂
  • 4
    @YourNemesis That's why I said "avatar."
  • 13
    - Go to the gym and get fit (not incredibly muscular, just healthy fit)

    - Hold regular smalltalk conversation with people you don't know to learn communicating with strangers

    - Keep yourself clean and tidy (get your hair cut, don't wear dirty stuff etc...)

    - Do things where other people are attending aswell and keep meeting new people

    - When you find someone interesting or better they find you, just meet casually in a cinema or something

    The rest will pretty much happen on its own...
  • 4
    Hard to get, but harder to keep 😢
  • 2
    @CodaKairos harder to get in my case :(
  • 3
    Getting a boyfriend is just as fun... (not) 😂
  • 1
    welp. guess that confirms I'm not a dev, nor going to.
  • 11
    >GET girlfriend
    >Server responded 417 Expectation Failed
  • 2
  • 3
    First set, then get
  • 10
    What @R5on11c said.


    1. Don't try to find the perfect girl (or guy). Once you are in a relationship, you work to become more perfect for each other, over time.

    2. Don't search for geek/dev girls. Aim for someone with roughly the same intelligence, alignment, demeanor and life rhythm. If you love writing code at 2am, and she loves painting at 2am... you might complement each other better than that early bird dev girl.

    3. A good relationship is not dependent on money, but finding a relationship costs money and time. Save up for it, invest in it.

    4. Meeting nice people comes through endless chains of saying yes to invitations, endless dice rolls of events of varying qualities. Don't search for a girl, search for people. Organize parties if you have to. When you ask someone how they met their love, it's rarely a "I bumped in to her on the sidewalk", more commonly it's "She's the sister of Lily, a friend who I met through Bob from accounting at the new year's bbq".
  • 2
    @bittersweet Solid advice right there. My GF has no clue about software development, she has even a completely different confession (religion) and it works out as well as can be.
  • 2
    How about ‘finding someone you love’ or ‘being likable.’ Nobody ‘gets’ a girlfriend. It’s not an award to find someone in the world that you care about - and for them to find you. Think about it.
  • 2
    @sheriffderek sorry to burst your bubble romeo, but you don't find someone you love. It's the other way around.

    You learn to love someone you got to know some time. You can test that out on purpose and date people, which accelerates that process and enhances the probability of actually finding someone.

    I wholeheartedly agree on the point that a relationship is no kind of achievement or award tho. You shouldn't strive for a relationship solely for social status.
  • 2
    @gitpurge I took the same decision ... 2 years ago
  • 3
    @gitpurge Completely agree.
    Met my now girlfriend at our local musical, because I'm the technician there. We have literally zero similarities, except a few little ones. She doesn't even have a computer (just a 10 yr old laptop)😅
    But hey, we love each other so what's the problem and because of our totally different types the relationship can be even more exciting and interesting.
  • 1
    It isn't a necessity though.
  • 1
    The thing with finding a suitable or any partner for a relationship is that you can only set better pre conditions (being fit, hygienic and socializable).

    The rest is pretty much random. You can't really say "If you do this, you will get a girl". It doesn't *and shouldn't* work like that.
  • 1
    @R5on11c the main problem about relationships is that i always want to normalize them
  • 1
    @plokko not sure what you mean by that.
  • 1
    @R5on11c database normalization
  • 0
    @taho101 because this is serious problem 😏
  • 0
    Npm install girlfriend
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