I just want to talk to people, more people, new people, friends, anyone,

I want to explore their culture, their life, I want to learn.

Otherwise I feel like I'm wasting my life.

I just want to go out and explore the world.

  • 7
    I would like to meet a real Zulu warrior. I saw a special about them and they are some bad ass dudes. This guy had a scar on his chest when a lion came after him. He fended it off with a shield and big ass knife/sword. I don't care where you come from that is serious balls, skill, and adrenaline.

    Then there are the mountain people who carry AK-47s and have snow leopards as pets in Asia. I don't know the story behind that, but very interesting.
  • 4
    Come talk on rock.molodetz.nl if it's not down.
  • 2
    @Demolishun lions actually have it genetically encoded to be afraid of humans

    we would hunt lions back in the day. fuckers are terrified of us
  • 4
    years back I realized I have a socializing addiction, but I do not know why

    in reality socializing irritates me. I always think it will be rewarding but it never is. so it baffles me I feel the urge to engage in it. I'm literally exhibiting the psychology of a gambling addict (which is strange, because I've gambled various times&felt nothing, & even MMPI military test says I'm not addiction prone). every time I think I'll get something rewarding out of it but instead I feel disappointment, boredom, or irritation, anger. if people approach me I feel anxiety or defensive / territorial irritation. I will be excited to meet people but then I meet them. excited to talk to people but then I talk to them. it's the worst

    the other day I thought maybe an old friend instilled in me an insecurity about it&maybe I'm overcompensating ever since? I looked up to that friend a lot & they said my life's regret would be loneliness. I never feel lonely tho. they thought I was socially disabled I think
  • 2
    @jestdotty Orca's stay away from humans because we hunted them so much, but with them, it's actually socially communicated 🤯 (orphaned or otherwise estranged orcas will still attack humans)

    For me, I can be the same if there isn't an easy click (same hobbies). What helped for me was doing some research on the topic, I'm also a "we must meet 3 times before I'll properly talk to you" person. 101 possible reasons really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hope it gets better for you
  • 1
    @jestdotty humans are social creatues, and our brain seems to reward us for it since it's better for our survival, we can't survive alone, I guess that's why we can get addicted

    I'm sorry if I said the obvious, but if you know more on this topic please let me know
  • 2
    @kanyewest obvious about what and topic about what

    yeah, you get oxytocin from socializing. it calms you. people who don't socialize get anxious due to the lack of oxytocin. you can get oxytocin in other ways though, and i've always scored low neuroticism and high resilience so that would mean it's not oxytocin / cortisol axis issue. oxytocin also activates neuroplasticity, aka, you get more creative and learn faster, less stuck thoughts if you're liable to those

    also if it was oxytocin I would feel satisfied and not annoyed... it's the opiate of the masses, the original that all others try to copy
  • 2
    @jestdotty I'm just learning about Oxytocin,

  • 1
    @kanyewest meditate to this and see if you feel different: https://youtube.com/live/...-

    the comments are funny
  • 2
    Some people seem to still not realize that they are talking to a troll.

    Obviously he wants us to say something like this:
    "But you are a racist, you can‘t be interested in foreign culture!"
  • 2
    @Lensflare If you're not interested in foreign culture, how can you be a good racist?
  • 1
    @BordedDev not sure if you are joking or not but racism comes from aversion to a culture, not interest in it.
    This rant is as fake as everything else that comes from this user.
  • 2
    @Lensflare I'm just referencing the meme phrase of "Me Studying X History So I Can Be Racist More Accurately".

    You can find something disgusting doesn't mean you can't have an interest in subjects around it, e.g. I need to unclog my sink, and well, the gunk in the pipes disgusts me
  • 0
    @jestdotty what's up with the comments? XDDXD
  • 1
    @retoor it's down how about discord? or anything, let's talk <3 <3 :>
  • 2
    @kanyewest there will be new chat application soon. I'm writing one. Piece of space cake. Complexity is low but it's some work. Layout is ready (generated). Now working on a nice form system and the models. I decided not to use frameworks so it cost some extra work but will have exactly what I want - so worth it. I think it will be around a week or so.
  • -1
    @retoor how did you become such a great programmer? Aren't you a girl?
  • 2
    @kanyewest her daddii

    she like a ghost in the machine

    never met a man like that either to be fair
  • 4
    @kanyewest I have a bigger dick than you.
  • 3
    @Lensflare He, @BordedDev is right. To be a good racist you need to have some interest. I also studied Rust a bit so i can offend Rust devs better. That's how it works :) Straight from the hate handbook :)
  • 2
    @retoor I think it depends if you study something because you hate it or you hate something because you studied it.

    Also, hate can come from knowledge or from ignorance.
    I think most racists (not all) hate because of ignorance.

    And last but not least, @kanyewest most likely isn‘t a racist, he is a troll.
  • 1
    @Lensflare So you're telling me he's Romanian?

    Even if he is a troll, at least the comments are generally fun to read
  • 4
    @Lensflare I donno, i'm a huge racist towards indians because of NOT being ignorant. First hand experience with several business wise. If they had normal names, i could name you ten who suck right now.

    Edit: don't call me a racist now. That would be soooo... Boring :P
  • 4
    @retoor I am not racist against ethnicities. However I have come to realize a lot of cultures and belief systems are fucked in the head. A lot of these align with different countries or ethnicities.
  • 1
    @Demolishun Yh, from my point of few a burka in inhumane but I saw recently on TV some women of a country where they wear that and they loved how the men treated them - they do receive more respect from men than the average western girl. I know that sound completely crazy - what respect is there if you get 'forced' to wear such thing?.. Well, it's a kinda, you may have everything but .... Kinda deal. Bigger issue in my eyes is that they're expected not to work. Sounds good, but it should be possible. If a woman can't find a guy or wants to leave a guy, she's fucked. No work experience, certain age etc. The thing is - man depended by force... Most of the muslim ladies are used to that and don't see the issue I guess. And that's not understandable and thus a culture difference. The nicest way to describe batshit crazy stuff. Btw, you don't have to respect that shit at all. I tolerate it at its top. Respect would be a lane to far. They're doing stuff very forbidden in my culture.
  • 2
    @Lensflare technically he's Asian and it's part of Asian culture to be super racist so technically you're the racist for not accepting the thing his race likes to do
  • 3
    @retoor last night I was shocked. I ran into a competent Indian that outsmarted white people. it was the mother of that AI engineer that "suicided" himself before the OpenAI legal trial. when that clearly isn't a suicide

    well this mom wasn't helpless like white people are. she took photos of the crime scene herself, didn't listen to the cops, got her own autopsy, private investigator, and the creepy Indian parents are too close to their kids thing is REALLY working out here

    the Indian lead dev I had couldn't dispense a single bit of factual information. this Indian mother of the AI engineer on the other hand was listing events sequentially like a competent human being. I don't even care if she's dumb or not, I can respect that
  • 2
    @jestdotty oh, he is Asian…
    I guess there is no reason to doubt the words of a troll...

    And I‘m racist because I‘m not accepting the things that his race likes to do?
    What? Do you even know what racism is?
  • 3
    @Lensflare Would you accept the definition being: A smug sense of superiority and a small penis?

    Question for you, would you differentiate between someone who is prejudice to a group of people but treats them each individually as an individual? vs someone who doesn't treat them as individuals?

    I think there is a difference, and that that difference is enough that there should be a difference of terms, but I have known many people of both groups over the years
  • 2

    > Would you accept the definition being: A smug sense of superiority and a small penis?

    No 😂

    > Question for you, would you differentiate between someone who is prejudice to a group of people but treats them each individually as an individual? vs someone who doesn't treat them as individuals?


    > I think there is a difference, and that that difference is enough that there should be a difference of terms, but I have known many people of both groups over the years

  • 1
    @Lensflare racism is acknowledging the distinctive cultures other races are choosing to have,
    instead of wanting your colonialism mindset to walk in there and tell them they're inferior and should do it your way? I believe the woke crowd called this behaviour white-washing but honestly these people redefine terms illogically so much it's ridiculous. and unfortunately you don't score high on logical consistency in your thinking so you don't have the ability to see it I think
  • 2

    > and unfortunately you don't score high on logical consistency in your thinking so you don't have the ability to see it I think

    Almost laughed out loud 😂
    I must say, reading that from you of all people is extremely funny 😂

    I made a promise to myself to not start arguing with your bullshit anymore, so please don‘t make me break it.
  • 2
    @Lensflare I'm neither racist nor a troll, as far as I'm concerned. I'm sorry for the things I've said or say.
  • 1
    @kanyewest dude, you're the biggest troll in history, but that's OK. Some others are quiet recently. We need one.
  • 0
    @retoor I'm not a troll. Maybe I'm retarded. That's all. I mean every word I say.
  • 0
    @retoor tbh people just call normal people trolls to be derogatory and dehumanize them

    do believe lensflare or his type of character that I meet do that often to me

    actually earlier today a dude tagged me to try to tell another random dude he literally brought in to meet me to say I was like some user they all made fun of... except then the guy said I didn't act like him

    ah, humans
  • 1
    Btw, I gonna tell you guys what Racism is. Something weirdly not allowed why everything else is weirdly enough. It's the hypocritest thing ever, and if someone calls you a racist, it's never friendly, that person just judged you and gave his unasked opinion to you which is considered an insult at the same time. The only correct responce in being called a racist is responding with "fuck you". Racism is something that all people in this thread shouldn't worry too much about I guess. Only, the Asian one, because he has a small pp :p. For true racism, go to 9gag. That's what real racism is. Once it was just jokes but that's escalated. Also, they HATE women now there, it's not just jokes anymore.
  • 1

    but diversity is key.
  • 1
    @kanyewest it is actually if natural. Not if forced, that's literally a racist practice. Diversity is great, but not if it's created by racism what is now the case at many things. "We dont have a lot of female officers". They just don't care, accept and move on. Don't buy them with benefits so the others start hating them because of that. Accept that not "group" in interested in the same thing. It's funny anyway that everything is about race and the woman is often to be considered a race on its own how they display it. Statistics about black, Asian and women. Wut?
  • 2
    @kanyewest the only real white supremacy there is, is the people making such statistics excluding the godly white man. They know everything about white supremacy because they're the definition itself. They create it actually. It's pure mirroring of themselves. Most people treat eachother equal, but the people who actually are working on balancing that are the real fucking racists on a scale that even makes you a pussy. People who decided that emoticons needed a skin color, biggest racist ever. Yellow was perfect. Nobody is yellow. In exception of you :p you live in different world :p
  • 2
    @retoor Most white people I came across with in Japan were balding, fat and unsuccessful. Except one Intern, who studied at Stanford. That guy was a embodiment of white race. Tall, muscular, intelligent and an actual man.

    I don't like fat people, and white Americans are usually fat. It's better to exclude Americans from representing white people actually.
  • 1
    @kanyewest the whole term "white people" comes from murica I guess. That guy was so unsuccessful that he walked in the same place as you do I guess. He is traveling the world, that's quite succes according to some I guess.
  • 0
    @jestdotty no, I call him troll because I read enough posts from him to make this conclusion.

    It‘s not because I don‘t like him.

    It‘s also not derogatory or dehumanizing.

    Let‘s keep it factual and not jump to weird conclusions, shall we?
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