Well this looks awful

  • 2
    1. That bg is stock image
    2. That just doesn't look correct
  • 5
    Who knew green was greater then 200?

    Actually writing code on a phone is the worst. I absolutely hate it, but clickable prefills?
  • 2
    The boxes man. They be all over my code.
  • 1
    I'll assume that this is a code learning app and this is its recap step - so all the comments above have misunderstood the actual use of it, it's not meant to be used for just programming on your phone via template fills.
  • 1
    @JoshBent if it was code learning why am I being told I can Write Code instead of Learn to code?

    Meh marketing doing what marketing does best, lies without lying.
  • 1
    @JoshBent You telling me the box is a lie?

    Nah but for a code learning app it would be kind of nice indeed, but personally I hate this puzzleish blocky stuff to teach coding. Maybe because I learned it different, dunno.
  • 2
    @C0D4 well yeah, you are "writing" code though, aren't you? ;)

    @daintycode it kind of makes sense to me actually, because I remember learning languages a similar way - the app first shows you examples, some pronunciations, drag & drop where you drag the word to the image etc. and then it asks you to put a sentence in the right order, same concept can be applied to code as seen in OPs picture, to give you that hands on experience with no emulator or environment setup
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