
python libraries don't belong in Linux

idk where this stupid python-futures library came from but it just broke all the stupid python-only libraries I got. unfortunately no alternatives to them. evidently if I just remove python-futures and reinstall everything it broke it all works. bruh please

God I hate python

it's also very inefficient and these libraries take up so much CPU for no reason. they don't even do much but idle too high. python. not even once.

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    The alternative to using Python is that a problem that needs solved goes unsolved.
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    Do not use your OS Python distribution, it’s the best way to have problems. Use Pyenv and virtual envs. Or even better, Poetry or uv.

    Fuck Python in general, this language is total dogshit.
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    @Tounai it's a ten times more successful language than rust since programming language are made for humans and python is understood by everyone since it's psuedo English. The language has a lot of features and is modern. Library repository is higher quality than js. It has close system integration, it's by default installed on decent os's, performance made a huge upgrade last few years and especially very recently, the gil is almost gone - a flag has to be set for now but after this real threading can be implemented, it has a super powerful std, the source is very easy to compile without having much dependencies, extending the language is easy, you can integrate native C in python and python in C giving it the ultimate performance opertunity. It's the language of choice for AI. It's multi platform, packaging is done very well, you can make binaries within packages. They're in venv/bin that you can link to /usr/local/bin/*

    It's freaking genius. If you lack to see that, oh my.
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    @jestdotty python futures is a default stdlib and if it's dead, you have to reinstall python maybe. I recently had such stuff in a chrooted environment.

    Python apps can be as calm as c being idle. It can use the same sys calls to wait for stuff. When it actually starts interpreting I do agree that it uses a lot of resources. Some people make stuff with it you shouldn't do. I made my keylogger in C because it must be live live live every keypress. I don't do queues. My app uses 6% cpu if you hold down a key. My friend made it in python and writes just like me the key to sqlite. His app uses 16% on a way better processor. Difference is, mine is around 100 lines (it includes keyboard detection and so on) and his application was literally import keyboard, import sqlite3, map keyboard event to sql insert and done. Literally 15 lines or so. In sense of networking using python does not really matter. Local host it will be slower than C but on internet, meh. Only resources...
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    @Tounai pipx is most comfortable but I prefer to classically do python -m venv and symlink the applications I want from venv/bin/* to /usr/local/bin. Venv goes somewhere depended on my mood. In /opt is preferable to make clear that it is user independed but I've enough linked from venvs in my ~/projects directory as well. My user and root are the only users that use them and both can access so meh. Those are always executed in the right environment. My python is installation is completely clean. @jestdotty also a good idea can be is to make virtual env and symlink it as py3 to /usr/local/bin. Not a bash alias bevause running py3 under sudo won't work anymore. From now you can install things using py3 -m pip. But you can also set this env default under your bashrc. In that case is just env python the default. Still not for sudo, but that's edge casu.
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    @retoor I simply uninstalled it and then reinstalled all the things that its existence broke

    if my system reinstalled Python I got no clue

    honestly every time I reboot my brightness script in i3 stops working. I've manually increased permissions on the brightness file but as soon as I reboot I lose them and it's been like this 2 years and I still haven't fixed it. probably can dump the permission increase somewhere in a startup script or something but wtf

    also my laptop runs better if I don't use a graphics driver... the frame rate in games is the same and it runs cooler with no driver. I don't know what's going on but clearly messing with things is a waste of time!
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    The language is slow as hell natively, relying on C or Rust code to function.
    Plus the spaces as blocks delimiters is really the dumbest thing ever. It makes IDE struggle for nothing.
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    I missed you too
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    @Tounai only people who do not program python think that since it's actually the best future. Also, if you're a bit consistent dev, you won't even notice it, you already doing it at every language almost. I know no one who complains about it that actually uses python. Only, the tabs / space mixture can be issue but 95% or sources use spaces and only happens when you c/p something in very rare cases.

    The speed is bit old reputation tho. What do you want to do that it's not fast enough for? It will perform same as a C web application regarding network that comes from outside so we is covered. Only resource use will be higher. So, what real life examples do you have?
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    Python is cancer.
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    @Salmakis say what you will about Python but it gets shit done (at least in my profession).
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    @jestdotty i3 is lua iirc
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    I heavily rely on typing then auto formatting which is impossible with Python.
    The native instructions in Python are slow, the rest relies on code that has been written in low level languages. Other languages of that kind have this as well but faster native instructions.

    Plus the typing system is absolutely awful.
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    @Tounai duck typing is great. Type annotations tho are horrible. You even have to do `import typing`. I rarely do that. I know that it would give better auto complete, but my AI also knows what's about to come.
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    @jestdotty never seen these problems what library ?
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    @AvatarOfKaine hmmm don't remember now

    I used polychromatic for the razer laptop's RGB keyboard. razer RGB are all python libraries... and I got no clue how to write my own driver in Linux. I was poking around in the source code of these python libs and wanted to do it as a pet project but instead walked away being horrified

    what random things is python used for on Linux? idk. I may have some other stuff that requires python but it's not top of my head rn. think there was something else tho

    but as a general I find python to be slow and buggy anytime it is involved in software so I'm not a fan. I also used it and occasionally read it and also once read the whole docs cuz "python good" but honestly I just dislike the language so much... just isn't me. and it breaking and being slow frustrates me. with JavaScript if things broke it didn't bug me cuz easy to read and I'd rewrite it not broken. with python whenever I look it's damned horrific and I give up trying to fix/rewrite
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    @jestdotty last thing I'd do is integrate python into kernel space
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